Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods-3
credit her with a certain instability. Remember when she told you I was plotting to take over the Fount with an army of lobsters?" said Ripred.

    "You did try and take over the Fount with an army of lobsters," said Vikus.

    "Yes, yes, but it was several years before Nerissa was even born. The point is, she flip-flops in and out of time like a fish in the shallows. Who's to say that this guide, whoever he may be, didn't show up three days ago? Or three years ago for that matter?" said Ripred.

    "They are right, Vikus. We invite trouble stopping in this place," said Solovet. "And how, in your mind, did Nerissa arrange a guide for us? She scarcely sees a soul." Gregor wondered what was up with Vikus and Solovet. They really weren't seeing eye to eye.

    "Only a few more minutes," said Vikus firmly. "Then we will part ways."

    "I throw up to sky!" Boots squealed.

    Gregor turned and saw her wing the ball high into the air. "Well, that's the last we'll see of that ball," he thought. He caught it in his flashlight beam as it flew into the jungle.

    He was right. The ball disappeared. But not in the twisted vines, as he had anticipated.
    Instead, it landed squarely in the mouth of a colossal lizard.


    All he could really see was the creature's head, a scaly iridescent blue-green face fifteen feet above him. It swallowed and Gregor caught a glimpse of rippling neck muscles.

    "My ball!" said Boots.

    Temp was already chasing after the ball but he put on the brakes when he became aware of the enormous reptile in the jungle.

    Boots was not so easily deterred. She slid from the cockroach's back and ran forward, pointing at the lizard. "You eated my ball!"

    "No, Boots!" Gregor cried. He scrambled to his feet and tripped over a skeleton. "No!"

    "You eated my ball!" repeated Boots. She smacked her hands into the vines at the edge of the clearing, sending a vibration through the jungle. The lizard dipped its head in her direction.

    Temp opened his wings and flew straight at the lizard's face. But the cockroaches rarely used their wings, and he ended up hopelessly tangled in the vines several feet from his target.

    Gregor tried desperately to free his feet from something's rib cage. "Boots! Get back!" He could see the other members of the party springing into rescue mode, but how could they reach her in time?

    "You give Temp my ball!" Boots howled at the lizard. "Yooooouuuuu!"

    The lizard glared at Boots and opened its jaw wide. A frightful hiss issued from its mouth as a rainbow-colored ruff shot out around its neck, making its head look five times bigger.

    "Oh!" said Boots in surprise. Her own arms shot up over her head as if she had a ruff as well. "Oh!"

    For a moment, the towering lizard and the tiny girl were mirror images of each other.
    Mouths open, ruffs up, eyes wide.

    And then someone started laughing. The sound came from the direction of the lizard, and seemed to be coming from its mouth. But it was a distinctly human laugh, so Gregor knew it must have some other source.

    The blue-green lizard's tail flopped out of the jungle, its tip resting on the ground near Boots. The vines rustled and someone slid down the tail. A pale, violet-eyed Underlander landed easily on his feet next to Boots. He was still laughing as he bent on one knee next to her.

    "So, are you a hisser, too?" he asked.

    "No, I'm Boots," she replied, dropping her arms. "Who you?"

    "I am Hamnet. And this is my friend, Frill," said Hamnet. He indicated the lizard, whose ruff was slowly folding down.

    Boots considered Frill for a moment. " I is for ig-ig-aguana," she said. She meant "iguana."
    It was another one of those animals like a yak. If the ABC books didn't have an ibex for the letter I , they were sure to have an iguana.

    "Yes, I suppose it is," said Hamnet. "Whatever an ig-ig-aguana is."

    "It eated my ball," said Boots in an injured tone.

    "She did not mean to. Let us see if we can retrieve it. Frill, any way to have the ball

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