Smoothie Magic 101: Instructions At A Glance For Blending Any Smoothie
Blending your smoothie is something you’re going to do with every recipe. So naturally I am giving you those instructions here so that you don’t need to read the same instructions on every page.
Put your ingredients into the blender.
Blend until your smoothie has the consistency that you like.
That all seems simple enough! I actually have a one-touch ‘smoothie program’ on my blender and because it’s quite a short program, sometimes I have to put it on a second time in order to incorporate everything well.
There will be times when you want your smoothie ultra-smooth and other times where you like a little something to chew or feel under the tooth. A change inconsistency will happen with the different recipes.
How Much Will Each Recipe Make?
Each recipe in this book makes, in general, somewhere between 1 ½ to 2 ½ big glasses of green smoothie. Rather than try to get the same volume out of every recipe, my aim is to give you recipes that have a good balance between the 2 cups minimum of greens in every smoothie and the other ingredients.
Reminder 1: What Greens To Use?
Remember you can do a ‘greens exchange’ on most smoothies. When your recipe says to pop in 2 cups of mild greens, consult your fridge (!) and your mild greens list.
There will be times you get a specific recommendation. That’s more likely to be when you add a strong green (see the list) as there is more of a difference in result between watercress and mustard leaves (both strong) than there is between using say, cabbage, chickweed, spinach or mizuna lettuce.
Reminder 2: Adding Water And Ice
Each recipe will have at least 1 cup of fluid in it. It will be either water, coconut water or nut/seed milk (or nuts/seed and water).
How much ice you add and how much extra water you add to your smoothie will depend on your personal preference for temperature and consistency.
The temperature of your smoothie will also be dependent on whether you put frozen or fresh fruit in. The more frozen fruit in will probably mean less ice added.
Just know that if you are new to making green smoothies that you will have fun experimenting with getting the balance right for you. Smoothie making is not an exact science (because of the variables of natural produce) and it really is hard to make mistakes. This also means that each time a particular recipe may taste a tiny bit different to you.
Sometimes you can be a bit generous with a green or say with lemon juice. Whatever it is, check out Green Smoothie Rescue notes in the introduction if you need to ‘fix’ anything.
Reminder 3: Nuts And Nut Milk
If you have nut milk at home then feel free to use it. In my recipes I have opted for a simple approach that gives you the nutrition of the whole nut.
For best results you will soak the nuts or seeds to get rid of any enzyme inhibitors, to soften the nuts for better blending, and if present reduce any amount of glycosides that could be present.
If you don’t have time to soak then that’s OK. They will still blend well. Realize that even a short soak time is better than no soak time. Sunflower seeds for example need only 20-30 minutes while almonds are better soaked overnight. Know that you can still get some benefit from short soak.
You’ll get in the habit of having an amount of soaked nuts on hands. So here’s what to do ...
Place the amount of soaked nuts or seeds indicated in the recipe into the blender along with 1 cup of water.
Blend until smooth. This will vary depending on the blender that you use.
No need to strain. This is a simple one-step way of including nuts without fuss.
Remember you can always simply use water or coconut water instead, or even commercial nut (or any other variety such as quinoa, millet, rice) milks.
Reminder 4: Adding Sweeteners
You’ll find some smoothies that recommend adding a little sweetness for balance (if it is not coming from
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