Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander

Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander by Keira Montclair Page B

Book: Grant Clan 06 - My Desperate Highlander by Keira Montclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Keira Montclair
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protect her from an even worse situation.
    “Thank you for following me, Micheil.” She mopped her face with a linen square he gave her, finally calming her breathing a bit. “I was worse than foolish.”
    “How did you end up there? Hellfire, I try to keep an eye on you, but you always seem to get away. Promise to stop doing that?”
    She nodded. “Clarissa.”
    “Who’s Clarissa?”
    “She’s the lass who told me in the courtyard that Randall wanted me. But she didn’t even know he was betrothed at the time. She told me she overheard him talking about me when he left his tent at the field, saying something about how he had found a new love. All the lassies followed him to make sure he was all right, I guess. ‘Tis when she overheard him. I just thought I could meet one of his friends. I need a knight, Micheil. I need a husband.”
    “Diana, a lass cannot walk alone in Edinburgh. You have to stop. You’re not on your lands where everyone knows you’re the chieftain’s daughter. Any lad could go after you here. You are too beautiful.”
    “I am? You think I’m beautiful?” She gazed at him with a pout in her lips.
    He lifted her chin with his finger. “Aye, of course you are beautiful. ‘Tis why the knight wants you.”
    “My apologies. I won’t ever do it again. He had some lad pull me into the castle and into his chamber. Next thing you know he was kissing me and pulling at my gown, doing things I did not want, making me promises of introducing me to his friends.”
    “Are you sure he didn’t take your maidenhead?”
    “I think I would know, Micheil. As soon as he rucked my skirts up, I pushed him away. That’s when you came in. If you hadn’t come, I do not know if I could have gotten away.”
    He almost laughed at her haughty look. As beautiful and strong as she was, it was hard to believe she was such an innocent.
    “Your father kept you well protected, aye?”
    “Aye, ‘tis true. And I am just realizing ‘twas mayhap not such a good thing. A lass needs to understand certain things. I can do numbers, read, and go hunting, but I know little about the ways of lads and lassies. And how exactly does one go about learning these things without getting into situations that are unsafe?” She gave him a saucy look.
    He tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear. Slud, but she was lovely. He wanted naught more than to kiss her senseless right now, but he knew it would be taking advantage of her when she was most vulnerable. He didn’t want to kiss her when Randall Baines was still in her mind. He rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip.
    She peeked up at him through her lashes. “I like your kisses better, Micheil. He slobbers like a deerhound.”
    He barked out a laugh and hugged her. “I guess that’s as good a reason as any to stay away from him.” When he glanced at her again, he said, “But why the sad face? He won’t bother you again. I will not allow it, I promise.”
    She rested her head on his shoulder. “I know. I will be forever grateful to you, but now what will I do? He was my solution to my problem. Now I do not have a knight to solve my problem.”
    Micheil sighed. If she was still determined to find herself an English knight, he had no hope of making a relationship work with her. Well, at least he could try and help her find a man who was worthy of her.
    “We’re going back to Auntie’s cottage, and we’ll think more on it in the morning.”
    Once they had Diana calmed down, he and Aunt Elspeth tucked her into bed. They moved into the main chamber. He was about to walk out the door for some fresh air, but Auntie called out to him.
    “Micheil, a moment please.”
    He turned. “Of course, Auntie. What is it?”
    Elspeth strode over to her nephew and grasped his hand in hers. “Why do you not do the right thing and marry her yourself? Would that not solve the problem?”
    Micheil’s insides clenched at the suggestion. He had been thinking of little else these past

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