Grandma Robot
we can sell
    Your apartment will certainly be a
challenge for her. If Henie can handle cleaning your place, we know
we have succeeded. She'll be able to handle ordinary housecleaning
for sure,” Amy finished bluntly.
    “Thanks a lot for pointing out
housekeeping as my weak point, friend. For your information, you're
out of luck. Just a little too late with this idea. I gave up the
apartment. Walls were too thin. Neighbors too noisy and nosy,”
Karen explained. “I couldn't concentrate on my writing so I moved
just recently.”
    Amy sounded very disappointed when
she said, “No kidding. Where you living now?”
    “I just moved to the country to an
old farm house that has been in my mom's family for years. My
parents helped me move, and Mom has the house neat as a pin right
now,” Karen shared. “I hoped writing a book might be easier in the
country where it’s quieter. So far I've been right. I even have
time to go for walks in the fresh air. Since I haven’t had time to
mess the place up yet I definitely don't have any need for a robot
maid to do all the housework you described. Why don't you let the
maid clean your place?”
    Amy shook her head as she took
Karen's arm and moved her closer to a room without windows. “That
wouldn't work.”
    “Oh come on. I know you aren't the
slob I am, but you could make a few messes before you turn the
robot loose so it has something to do,” Karen joked.
    Amy opened the door and held out
her hand for Karen to enter the room as she explained, “The reason
is I haven't got the time it takes to stay home with the robot
while she works. I need someone that can watch her and tell me how
Henie does.
    Please, check her out anyway,
before you make up your mind. Henie is quite versatile and could
pass for a human being which is one of the reasons we think buyers
would want to have her in their home. We're hoping looking human
will make the fact the servants are robots less creepy. Servants
tend to get ignored by company so maybe human looking will fit
right in with the upper crust lifestyle.”
    Amy led Karen down the aisle
between a variety of robots. Men in black butler suits and women in
maid uniforms, all of which were a variety of ages and strangely
lifelike looking and at the same time lifeless. Karen could do
nothing but stare at the variety of so called servants as she
listened to Amy's speech.
    Amy stopped and pointed at the last
robot as she turned to Karen, “What do you think?”
    Karen inspected the robot up and
down. Finally, she said, “This is Henie?” Now that she saw the line
of robots she walked by, they all fit the description lifelike, but
they were dressed more believable for the job than this
    This robot was shorter than the
others and younger. She had on a white blouse, a line, black mini
skirt and tennis shoes. The kind with sides that flashed when
walking and air cushioned soles.
    Karen edged all the way around the
robot, studying her. “This robot looks like a teeny bopper from the
1970’s right down to the pony tail.”
    “That’s a wig,” Amy said
double-quick. “We can hunt up other wigs to try.”
    “Is this someone's idea of a joke
in this lab? What kind of servant looks like her?” Karen
    “I don't know how you can ask
that. We've put a lot of hard work into making these robots look
real and as different from each other as all human beings are,” Amy
said, sounding offended.
    Karen gave her a level look. “Let
me tell you what I think. You wanted my honest opinion, and you're
going to get it. This robot doesn't give me the impression she
could be presented as a maid and get away with it.
    More likely, she'd be suitable to
amuse college boys in their dormitory houses, but they can't afford
her. How do you expect her to fit in with upper class working
people? Any upper crust woman will be about decorum and looks. This
robot doesn't stand a chance.”
    Amy backtracked. “I’m not in charge
of dressing the robots. I do

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