Going for Gold

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Book: Going for Gold by Ivy Smoak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ivy Smoak
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the same surgeon.
    "You're both very beautiful, but..."
    "Maybe you want us together?" The girls started
kissing and rubbing each other's tits.
    "Come on, Bryce," said Rodrigo. "You can have
both of them at the same time. You'd really pass that up?"
    "I'm sorry, I just don't think I'm the right man for the
    "What if they fuck you?"
    "Right here?" asked Isadora. "In middle of
club?" She glanced at Rodrigo. She must have gauged his reaction, because
she quickly added, "Yes, this will be such fun."
    I sighed. I clearly wasn't going to get out of here without
agreeing to give Rodrigo what he wanted. It didn't mean I had to follow
through. "As lovely as you ladies are, I think I'm going to have to
    Anger flashed across Rodrigo's face.
    "But," I continued, "I will help you. I'll
need a nice budget to work on, though. Rigging events isn't easy."
    Rodrigo clapped his hands together as the girls sat back down
next to him. "Now we're talking! I knew you'd come around."
    "So how are we gonna do this?" I asked. "Do you
have a list of events and your desired results?"
    "Not exactly." Rodrigo pulled a smartphone out of
his pocket and tossed it to me. "Check the drafts folder every morning. If
I have any jobs for you, I'll put them in there. Delete the drafts immediately
after you read them so that there's no trace of what we planned."
    "Okay. Done."
    "If you need money for supplies, I have ways of getting
it to you."
    "Good. And payment for my services?" I asked. If I
was going to pretend to help him, I had to act legit. He'd know something was
up if I didn't want money.
    "Ten grand, once everything is finished."
    "Deal." I stood up and we shook hands. I was just
glad this shit was over. I'd dump the cell phone as soon as I could and
hopefully never hear from him again.
    Just when I reached the door, Rodrigo said, "Hold
    I spun around and looked at him.
    "There's one more thing I wanted to show you. Isadora,
can you grab my computer?"
    Isadora walked past me into the hallway and returned a second
later carrying a laptop. She opened it and put it on Rodrigo's lap. He typed a
few things and then turned the laptop around so I could see it. It looked like
some sort of crappy quality YouTube video.
    "Does this look familiar?" asked Rodrigo.
    "Not really."
    "Let me switch to a better view." He hit a button
and the screen changed to a video feed of Emily sitting at her desk in her dorm
room typing on her computer.
    I balled my fists. That mother fucker. While Emily was
out, Rodrigo must have had someone sneak into her room and plant cameras. I
suddenly realized that I had slightly underestimated Rodrigo. I originally
thought he was some two-bit thug trying to intimidate me into helping him. But
that wasn't the case. He had probably been planning this for months, setting up
an international network and thoroughly researching his marks. There was no
doubt in my mind that he knew my entire history and that I'd do anything to
keep Em safe. He was three steps ahead of me.
    "I hate to be unpleasant," said Rodrigo, "but
it would be bad business to not have an insurance policy to keep my assets from
skipping town in the middle of a job."
    "I assume you've done your research about me," I
    "I have."
    "Did you happen to come across any information about my
last foster parents? The one's who weren't very kind to my sister?"
    "Yes. Horrible tragedy."
    "Was it?" I said, raising an eyebrow. Maybe
Rodrigo's research hadn't been that thorough after all.
    "Now you're a tough guy, huh? Nice try, but I'm not
buying it. Call the police, mess up a mission, or try to fuck me over in any
way, and my friend Vitor is going to blow your sister's brains out." He
pretended to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger. "Are we
    Every word out of his disgusting mouth made my blood boil. I
was going to kill him. "Are you sure that's how you want to play
this?" I asked.
    "Alright then." Big mistake, asshole. "I hope

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