segregation and separation in society, and sowing the seeds of conflict for future generations to have to deal with. They might as well be putting lead in the water supply, and they know it.
It would be easy to blame this on misguided political correctness, but this is actually cynical political opportunism. The truth is the Muslim vote is just too important to lose in places where the Labour Party needs to win. So as usual they’re happy to inflict long term damage to achieve short term ends.
They even gave a knighthood to the previous head of the Muslim Council of Britain, despite his public pronouncement that death was too good for Salman Rushdie. They gave him a knighthood anyway for the sake of community relations.
You know what’s good for community relations? People who come to this country and who adapt happily to our way of life, or, if they find that it’s not quite to their taste, they piss off and live somewhere else. That’s really good for community relations.
If you don’t like how we do things in Britain, get out. You weren’t invited here, and you’re not wanted here.
And please don’t lecture us on moral values. When you can’t even bring yourselves to condemn stoning as a punishment, it’s clear that yours is the morality of the cave man.
And for your information, we do have strong moral values in Britain; we just don’t feel the need to enforce them with an iron rod because we’re not as insecure as you are, and because we believe people should be free to make their own choices in life and not be dictated to by small-minded medievalists who despise everything this country stands for.
And by the way, this has got nothing to do with immigration. Let me make this very clear. I welcome immigration to Britain. I think that within reason it’s a healthy thing for the economy, I think it’s a good thing for the country. This is about religion, and only about religion.
So to any white supremacist morons out there who think they can latch on to this video in the way they’ve attempted to with some of my previous videos, go and take a piss on a live electric rail, because I’m not your friend. I’m your enemy. And I’m proud to be your enemy, just as I’m proud to be the enemy of every creepy Islamofascist on this planet, because you people are two sides of the same coin, and it’s an evil worthless poisonous currency that I want nothing to do with.
As for the Muslim Council of Britain, if you insist on shoving your religion into people’s faces all the time you shouldn’t be surprised to get it shoved right back at you, because that’s how we do things in a free society, and if you don’t like that you know what you can do.
The people of Britain know damn well that the reason for tensions in our society is nothing to do with the security services or the police, and everything to do with the activities of people like you, the true enemies of Muslims in this country, because every time you open your mouths you make things worse for Muslims. You increase the tension, you increase the resentment. And this is deliberate on your part, because you want Muslims to be in conflict with people all the time in an attempt to intimidate us into allowing you to impose your narrow beliefs and your barbaric values on our society. Well you can whistle up your sawn-off trouser leg for that one my friend, because it’s not going to happen. Not now, not ever.
And as for accusing us of being like the Nazis, that really is pretty rich when it’s clear that if people like you ever did achieve the kind of universal power you crave, there would be another Holocaust, and everybody knows it.
So we in Britain are going to carry on living the way we like, regardless of what you think about it. We’re going to carry on treating women as human beings, and not as possessions. We’ll drink alcohol in public if we damn well feel like it, regardless of your sensibilities, and we’ll walk around dressed any way
Pete Dexter
Paula Fox
Mike Scott
Jeff Noonan
Richard Palmer
Ariana Franklin
Connie Suttle
Rachel Seiffert
June Whyte
LazyDay Publishing