Goddess of Love

Goddess of Love by Dixie Lynn Dwyer Page B

Book: Goddess of Love by Dixie Lynn Dwyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer
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    “So you’re saying that this man is one of Kamea’s relatives, from her family’s pack?” Charity asked.
    “Yes. That’s what he told us. He mentioned that there had been threats or concerns over their safety after hearing about the other attacks across the world. Talib, Eamon, and Derry were going to question him and the workers thoroughly. Hopefully they will have more for us to go by,” Palidor said. His father, Luther, passed him a snifter of brandy.
    “It seems that your chosen mate is indeed very special,” Dante stated.
    Palidor looked at Orion. “We felt her power. The love and bond between that man and his mate.”

    Dixie Lynn Dwyer
    “You were touching her when she helped the man?” Charity asked, sounding concerned.
    “Yes. I think she wanted us to feel what she felt, and to know that she was safe as long as the three of us were together,” Orion added.
    “That is amazing. I mean, I’ve brought your fathers with me in time travel to other realms when they insist. The bond between the three of you is very strong. But this evil, whatever it is, whoever has had the power to overtake souls and turn them to rogue must be of the darkest kind.”
    “But what could possibly have that kind of power?” Luther asked her.
    She thought about it a moment.
    “Did Ariella describe the monster? Or perhaps you saw some of what it was?”
    “It was very strong and very evil. It did have claws of some kind, almost talons,” Orion stated.
    She inhaled quickly. “Wings or arms?”
    “Not sure. The black almost liquid power that ran through the man’s veins was hard to see through. Ariella did all the work. She had her powers and ability to break whatever spell or evil power was over him,” Palidor added.
    “Don’t forget that you both have powers of your own. They may not have come out in full, but they will. When the time is right and when they are needed, your abilities and powers will ignite.”
    “I think you may be right. I know that seeing Ariella again and recognizing her as my mate has made things feel clearer. If that makes any sense,” Orion said.
    “It makes total sense. It’s like there was a bit of something missing, almost a fog over my perception of things. It feels lifted,”
    Palidor said.
    “It is the power of the mating bond, the love growing deeper and stronger. It is special, just like my bond with your fathers is special, and Antoinette’s with her men and Lexi’s with hers. Some bonds run Brothers of Were, Goddess of Love
    so deeply that the evil ones, out there roaming the realms looking to cause havoc and pain, become obsessed with gaining such power. I hate to say this, but I get the feeling that this is just the beginning. I think that is why our investigators and enforcers have not been successful in identifying the culprit,” Charity stated.
    “Perhaps there is more than one?” Dante said.
    Charity looked at him. “Let’s hope not. With power this dark, and strong, we may need more than what we currently have.”

    * * * *

    Draco knew that he was taking a huge risk here. But he was good at what he did. The element of surprise, of gall, and no fear always seemed to pay off. His magic abilities and guidance from the evil that unfortunately owned his soul kind of helped, too. As he climbed the side walls, evaded being detected by security, he entered the room.
    He kind of felt badly for doing this. Ariella had always been so sweet and petite. He still didn’t know what powers she possessed just that these men wanted her.
    As he approached the bed, he inhaled. His wolf, his being, immediately came to life and he growled. It was low, but it rumbled from his chest.
    He shook his head in denial. As he moved closer and listened to her gentle breathing, he smelled his brothers’ scents on her. He denied what he was feeling and sensing.
    Pulling the cloth from his pocket, he slowly reached over and covered her mouth.
    Ariella’s eyes popped open. His heart

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