Goddamn Electric Nights

Goddamn Electric Nights by William Pauley III Page A

Book: Goddamn Electric Nights by William Pauley III Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Pauley III
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about two full seconds I saw the
image of a naked woman stepping into the shower, then the video stopped. The screen turned blue. I looked down at Suzie, who was
humming just as quietly as before, but I hadn’t noticed anything else out of
the ordinary. No fire, no smoke, no sparks. I hit play again. Again the image
appeared for only a split second and the screen turned blue again.
it!” I yelled at the TV. Not at Suzie, never at Suzie.
hit the play button again. Same results. But this time
I had noticed something different. A voice. I hit play
the voice said. A sexy female voice. A sexy female
voice was saying my name. I hit play again.
it says this time, and goes off again. Blah?
Every time I’d hit play, the image and sound would display for a shorter amount
of time then the time before it.
             “Blah… Duh… Blah… Duh…”
finally ejected the tape, but the tape wouldn’t come out. I lifted the flap of
the tape deck and took a peek inside. It was just as I had expected. Suzie had
eaten the tape. I pulled out my pocket knife and dug the blade into her mouth,
trying to loosen her grasp and pull out the tape. Suzie’s hum morphed and
screeched like a needle being pulled across a vinyl record. It was so loud and
sudden that it startled me, causing me to drag the blade across my left index
it!” I shouted, sucking the leaking blood from my finger.
tape began to spew from her mouth in all directions as if something, maybe the
tape itself, had made her very ill. I tried to collect all the squirming worms
of tape in my arms as they shot out her mouth, but there was just too much to
keep up.
the hell, Suzie?” I yell, “What’s gotten into you?”
at once she stopped squealing and spewing tape. She was silent for a moment.
The blue screen of the television painted the room with light. Then I noticed a
strange clicking sound. It was faint at first, but it gradually grew louder. I
moved closer towards Suzie, swimming through the sea of tape between us. She
was still clicking. I couldn’t tell for sure, but it seemed to be getting…
faster. I lifted the flap of her tape deck mouth and leaned over to take a peek
inside. Suzie made one final click and spit the VHS tape directly at my
forehead at the speed of goddamn sound. I fell flat on my back. may have been
unconscious for a moment or two, I don’t know, I can’t remember for sure, but
what I do remember is whenever I finally got up off the floor, Suzie and I were
one. We were connected. I instantly knew her every need, her every want, her
every desire. Blah. Duh. She
wanted blood. My blood.
I wanted to give it to her.
could feel a pulse at the end of my finger. Blood would spurt from the gash
with every beat. I wiped my thumb over the wound, pulling the skin back to see
how deep the cut was. It was pretty deep, but it was a straight cut. If
bandaged properly, I wouldn’t even need stitches.
looked over at Suzie. It was as if I could see her moving, squirming. Her body
needed me. She was begging for me to come closer, for me to stick my bloody
finger in her mouth so she could suck me dry. I was connected to her now. I
could see all of this without her showing me anything. I knew what she wanted.
got on my knees and knee-walked over to her again. I rested my face against
hers and gently petted the top of her case.
want me, don’t you, Suzie?” I whispered to her. “You need me. You need this.”
rubbed the tip of

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