Glass Towers: Surrendered

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Book: Glass Towers: Surrendered by Adler, Holt, Ginger Fraser Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adler, Holt, Ginger Fraser
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Philippe enters the room and announces that dinner is ready. Everyone makes way to the dining room, chatting excitedly.
    The table is beautifully set with a large floral centerpiece running down the middle and votive candles flanking each side. The table has been set for eight. As Harrison instructs everyone to take a seat, I begin to take my seat next him. He shakes his head and points to the other end of the table. I am not used to things being so formal. I take my place at the end of the table, with Simone sitting to my right and my father to my left. My mother sits next to my father, across from Garrin who is sitting next to Simone. I assume Philippe will be joining us, but I wonder to myself why there is an extra place setting.
    Philippe and Alicia enter the room with trays loaded with food. Once all the food is placed on the table, Philippe takes his seat to the right of Harrison and then Alicia sits in the empty seat to Harrison’s left. My jaw drops and the hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention. Just what the hell is going on here? I look around the table and see that nobody else seems to be bothered or even to notice for that matter. I am just about say something when Harrison clears his throat and says, “Everyone, if I can ask Mel to do us the honor of saying grace.”
    My dad is beaming. He nods at Harrison , and then proceeds to give the heartfelt Thanksgiving prayer that he has been giving every year as far back as I can remember. When he is finished, we all say Amen in unison, and then politely pass the food around the table. I look up to see Harrison watching me. I smile at him and he mouths, “I love you.” I feel my heart skip a beat. I respond to him by mouthing, “I love you too.” I look to his right and see that Alicia is watching him intently. My stomach turns sour. Harrison seems to be oblivious to her sitting next to him, as he continues to discuss the plans for the manor house with my dad. Since my dad has such vast knowledge about antiques and old architecture, he has asked my father to give his input in the restoration efforts. My dad, of course, is over the moon and excited to consult on the project.
    The meal was delicious , with all of the typical Thanksgiving fare. The turkey was succulent and all the side dishes and trimmings were delectable. As we linger at the table over coffee and pumpkin cheesecake, Harrison stands up and taps his spoon on his glass to gain our attention. Philippe is still seated at the table, but Alicia had already returned to the kitchen, much to my relief.
    “I want to thank you all again for making our first Thanksgiving together so special. As you all know, we are heading up to Montreal in a few weeks to spend the Christmas Holiday and New Years with my family.
    I chime in, “Don’t forget your birthday too!”
    He chuckles, “Right, my birthday too.” He walk s around the table to where I am sitting. Harrison gets down on one knee, and I am simply puzzled.
    “Danielle, you have already made me the happiest man in the world the day you said ‘I do’ in paradise. I have found my purpose in you , and I am a better man because of you . I am excited to start the rest of our forever together.” I feel like I may bust out of this chair and right into his arms. “The reason I am here on bended knee, is that I am asking you to marry me again in front of our loved ones in Montreal on New Year’s Eve.”
    There is a collective gasp around the room. I can feel everyone’s eyes on me.
    “Harrison, I thought we agreed that we would plan something for this coming summer. I don’t know if we can pull off an entire wedding in a month.”
    His face falls.
    Shit! Now I’ve done it. As he starts to stand up, I reach out my hand and place it on his face. “If you want to get married on New Year’s, then I am all in. I love you Harrison.” I lean over to kiss him and then hear my mother sniffling. Clarke jumps up from her seat squealing and clapping her

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