Girl With Guitar

Girl With Guitar by Caisey Quinn Page B

Book: Girl With Guitar by Caisey Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caisey Quinn
Tags: Fiction, General
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the door. “I got us a ride, but we gotta get moving.”
    “‘Kay.” Kylie glanced at herself in the mirror one last time after she’d pulled her tank top over her head. You are officially an idiot.
    T he ride Trace had gotten them was a pickup similar to the one her dad had driven. A buddy of his from home had loaned it out for the night. The interior smelled like mint Skoal and some type of men’s cologne not nearly as expensive as Trace’s.
    Kylie had seen the disappointment in Pauly’s eyes as she’d passed him on her way out. Well, if I’m going to ruin my career before it even starts, might as well make it worth it. She scooted a little closer to Trace on the bench seat.
    He looked over and smiled. “Thanks for coming tonight. My family can be a little…much.”
    “No problem,” Kylie said, suddenly feeling shy. “Thanks for inviting me.”
    Trace cleared his throat. Twice. “Um, actually Rae invited you.”
    She scooted back towards the door on her side. “Remind me to thank her then.” She stared out the window as they twisted and turned down never-ending back roads. It seemed like they had been driving forever when Trace turned down a long dirt drive lined by a white fence. At least eighty acres spread out before them.
    “Is this where you grew up?” Kylie asked, barely able to contain her astonishment.
    “No, I wish. This is the house I bought after the first album went platinum. Claire Ann lives here now since I’m always on the road. Rae is pretty much her permanent houseguest.”
    Trace pulled the truck around to an enormous red barn behind the main house. At least twenty cars and trucks were already parked there. After putting the truck in park and shutting off the engine, he turned, causing the leather seat to protest beneath him. “Look, Kylie, I should probably warn you—”
    Before he could finish his warning Rae tapped on Kylie’s window, sending her jumping towards Trace. “Come on! You’re late!” the perky little pixie shouted through the glass.
    Kylie looked up at Trace. He just closed his eyes and shook his head. She couldn’t help but laugh. Rae was clearly a thorn in his side, but she adored him and he her. It kind of made her wish for a sibling. Rae knocked again, louder this time. Or not.
    As soon as they stepped into the barn, a three-tier cake was produced. Every guest broke into a happy birthday flash mob.
    Trace leaned down to whisper in Kylie’s ear. “Sorry about this.”
    The heat of his breath made her shiver. It was his birthday. She hadn’t known and hadn’t brought a gift. That’s why he’d looked so suspicious when she’d asked his age. He was twenty-six, today . Kylie didn’t miss the fact that every other female guest was decked out in short dresses and boots or that they were sizing her up. She was pretty sure the “Deidre” Rae had mentioned was the busty blonde across the room giving her the death glare from hell. So she winked at her.
    “Trace, I didn’t know. I didn’t get you a gift,” she whispered up at him.
    “Oh, yeah you did. You’re making Rae’s night,” he said, nodding at the girl who was practically bouncing up and down.
    “Happy birthday dear TRACEY ,” Kylie heard Rae belting over everyone. She raised an eyebrow at him. He shook his head and grinned. So that’s why he went by Trace or Tray. This was interesting information.
    As she was smiling at the crooners, Trace leaned down and whispered in her ear again. “My birthday was actually a few months ago, but Rae’s is coming up and they had the decorations so they wanted to celebrate while I was in town.”
    “Ah,” she said, still grinning and glancing at the white paper lanterns lit like stars above them. It was sweet that his sisters would go all out like this. Must be nice to be so cherished. Their love for their brother was practically radiating from both of their faces as Trace blew out his candles. She recognized the expression. It was the same way

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