Girl Trouble

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Book: Girl Trouble by Miranda Baker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda Baker
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fingers eased, and her mouth turned up in a relaxed curve. Kat brushed her thumb over Bonita’s soft lower lip and grinned, filled with triumph and satisfaction. She covered her microphone and bent her head. “Just don’t get too used to taking risks,” she whispered. “That would take all the fun out of pushing your limits. A safe word ends the scene, but the show must go on.” Color filled Bonita’s cheeks, making Kat’s grin even wider. America didn’t need to know every little thing about their relationship. There were a few things she intended to keep…in her closet.
    Bonita had no doubt this would be the single most widely watched episode of The Jenna Parker Show ever filmed.
    After the final segment, Kat’s assistant handed her cell phone back to her, which answered Bonita’s question about her earlier voicemails. The screen lit up, and Kat answered, “Are you calling from the green room, Herb? Walk down the damn hall.”
    “I can’t. I’m taking Eileen out to celebrate.” His voice blasted through the speaker. “I just wanted to tell you you’re a genius. That last part played like pure romance, childhood sweethearts, true love and all that crap. You almost broke my heart.”
    “Eileen who?” she mouthed to Kat.
    “Clarke,” Kat whispered back, eyes wide.
    Bonita chuckled while Herb continued his monologue. “Seriously, that part where you told your fans to believe in love in whatever form it takes actually brought a tear to my eye. You’re not really taking a break from making movies, are you? Proprietors is going to be huge. Everyone is going to want to see you play a dyke now. I’ve had three movie offers in the last half hour. I doubled your asking price, by the way. C’mon, Kat, one more for me?”
    “Herb, you’re ruining a very sweet moment here.”
    “Kat, these offers won’t last—”
    “Later, Herb.” Kat ended the call and held out her hand. Bonita took it, and Kat dragged her out of the studio, down the hall past security and into the waiting SUV.
    “Are you really going to quit?” she asked as Kat raised the privacy barrier and collapsed across the length of the seat, putting her head in Bonita’s lap.
    “Hell no. Didn’t you hear Herb? I’m in high demand.”
    “I thought you didn’t have anything to prove?” she teased, stroking Kat’s hair.
    “I don’t have anything to prove to you because you love me. The rest of the world is fair game. Being in love isn’t going to change the basic nature of my personality. I’m still going to do crazy shit that will get caught on film and make national news. I’m still going to be bossy, demanding and as impossible as ever. I want to climb to the top of the heap, and if I can’t rule Hollywood with you by my side…” She paused, and Bonita’s heart caught in her throat for a split second before she banished the panic to the past, where it belonged. “Then I will rule the goddamn world. From my Mercedes. Naked. With you screaming my name.” Kat reached up to wrap a hand in her hair, pulling her head down for a kiss. “Admit it. You love it. You love me —and you wouldn’t have me any other way.”
    Heat flared, but this time Bonita wasn’t afraid. Instead, joy bubbled inside her. Their fiery crash had happened, and she and Kat were walking away from the flames, holding hands. Or walking into them. Kat’s lips moved hotly over hers.
    “So does being out of the closet mean no time in the closet?” Kat asked, punctuating each word with a kiss. “Because I think you’re on to something, and there are still quite a few roles we haven’t explored. I did mention I wanted to direct, right?”
    Bonita thrilled to the anticipation in Kat’s voice. “Set the scene, Kitty Kat.”
    “I am a world-famous film star…”
    Bonita giggled. “Of course you are.”
    “And you are my…” Kat cupped her cheek with a gentle hand, eyes luminous and tender. “Everything, the thing that makes my empty life worth

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