diaper to change.”
    “I don’t mind,” Gilbert replied, but he headed for the bathroom. The sooner he was done, the sooner he could hold Daniel. He was such a cute little thing, and quiet still, not fussy like a few babies were at this age. From what Gilbert remembered with his sister’s kids, they slept almost all the time until they were a bit older. Gilbert figured that would give him and Jihu time to get to know each other.
    Once he cleaned up and shaved, Gilbert left the bathroom and wasn’t surprised to find everyone gathered at the kitchen table. Someone had fried up what looked like a whole pig’s worth of bacon, and scrambled eggs. Toast sat on platters, waiting to be buttered. Gilbert’s stomach growled and Jihu stood, holding Daniel and the bottle as the baby ate.
    “I’ll take him, you go ahead and shower,” Gilbert said. His stomach could wait a few more minutes. His heart, however, wanted Daniel right now. He held out his arms.
    “I’ll just be a few minutes. Your brother said I smell like spunk.” Jihu blushed and hurried from the room.
    Gilbert turned and glowered at Isaiah. “Why did you say that? Jihu is easily embarrassed. You asshole.”
    “Ah-ah, there’s a baby around, watch your mouth,” Isaiah chided, a smirk on his lips.
    Gilbert slipped the bottle into Daniel’s mouth, smiling as the baby sucked hungrily at the nipple. “Oh, fuck you, Iz. You told my mate he smelt like cum in front of the baby. I hardly think you have any room at all to talk.” Isaiah did have a point, though. Gilbert better start watching his mouth. It’d probably take him two years to quit cussing. Damn it .
    “And you said he wasn’t quick,” Isaiah said to Bae, who sputtered and almost choked on his toast.
    “I did not,” Bae squawked, still hacking. “Gilbert, I didn’t say that!”
    Gilbert tried to give Bae a stern look, but he ruined it by laughing. “I know, Iz is just fu—screwing with us both. And trying to divert me away from my question.” Gilbert liked how much happier Isaiah seemed now that he was with Bae. Isaiah had always seemed kind of reserved, but he laughed and teased a lot more now.
    Isaiah reached for a piece of bacon and chewed on it while he watched Gilbert. Once he had eaten that piece, he plucked up another one. Gilbert crossed over to the table and snatched it from his hand so quickly the bottle didn’t have time to dislodge. “Iz,” he warned, and Isaiah huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
    “He seemed so intimidated, and scared. I figured maybe I could tease him out of it like I do you and Tim.” He sat back and once Gilbert nodded, grabbed more bacon. “Have you tried that bacon ice cream?”
    “God no,” Gilbert blurted out, “that sounds disgusting. And stop changing the subject. How did Jihu act when you teased him?”
    “He actually looked happy, then he turned almost purple,” Bae answered. “It was really cute.”
    “Cute,” Gilbert muttered. Well, he could understand that. Personally he thought Jihu was gorgeous, adorable, and so sexy Gilbert’s dick might never be fully soft again. “He is cute, and sexy—”
    “Don’t want to hear it, bro,” Isaiah said around a mouthful of bacon. “I like him, though. I’m glad he’s your mate.”
    “Me too.” Bae smiled at him and tapped a chair. “Have a seat.”
    Gilbert did and Bae’s smile turned into a grimace. “I haven’t been able to reach anyone, Gil, and I’m really scared. I don’t want to freak Jihu out. He told me about the shots, and I checked him over. He seems healthy, I can smell his cat. He’s too thin but a steady supply of food will help with that, though I don’t think he’ll ever be chubby since he looks a lot like me. And I think when the drugs are out of his system, he’ll be back to his feline self. Can you link with him mentally?”
    Gilbert shook his head. “Can’t sense a thing like that, but I thought Josiah said not everyone has a strong mental link.

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