Gift Horse

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Book: Gift Horse by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bryant
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the van. The last thing she wanted was to give anyone, especially Chelsea Webber, the chance for a close-up look at No-Name.
    As soon as the ribbon presentation was over Stevie headed back across the grounds to the Pine Hollow van. She untacked No-Name and led her into her compartment in the trailer. Then she spent a few minutes petting and talking to the horse.
    “It was really great to ride you again,” she told the mare softly. “Even if it was the very last time.” In response, No-Name nibbled on Stevie’s sleeve and snorted. “You don’t even realize yet that they’re going to take you away from me, do you?” Stevie whispered. She swallowed hard to hold back the unshed tears that were suddenly threatening to spill over once again. She wanted to enjoy this day as long as she could. There would be plenty of time to be sad later.
    After a few more minutes, Stevie reluctantly left the horse alone and headed back toward the ring. She knew that Phil was scheduled to give a demonstration, and she didn’t want to miss it.
    As she walked back across the nearly empty grounds toward the crowded stands surrounding the ring, she heard voices from behind a nearby van. Stevie took a few more steps and then stopped in her tracks, staring in surprise. There, deep in serious conversation, were Veronica diAngelo and Chelsea Webber.
    Stevie furrowed her brow. What was going on? After the way Veronica had described her last conversation with Chelsea, Stevie couldn’t believe the two girls would have anything polite to say to each other. But the discussion they were having now looked polite enough. Neither girl noticed Stevie watching them. A moment later Chelsea nodded, said something else, and then handed Veronica a piece of paper. Veronica patted her riding breeches but then seemed to realize they had no pockets. She dropped the paper into Garnet’s grooming bucket, which was sitting on the ground at her feet. Then she picked up the bucket, nodded to Chelsea, and hurried away toward the Pine Hollow vans. Chelsea walked away in the opposite direction, toward the ring.
    Stevie followed slowly, her mind a whirl. But at that moment Mr. Baker’s voice came over the PA system, announcing that Phil Marsten was about to begin his demonstration.Stevie ran the rest of the way to the stands, sliding into the seat Carole was saving just as Phil entered the ring on his horse, Teddy.
    “Check this out,” Lisa said, leaning over to talk to Stevie. “Phil’s going to demonstrate shooting a water pistol at a target while riding bareback.”
    “Didn’t you teach him how to do that, Stevie?” Carole asked.
    Stevie grinned, forgetting all about Veronica and Chelsea. “You bet I did.” She watched as Phil rode over and shot—bulls-eye! “See what a good teacher I am?”
    The rest of Phil’s demonstration went just as well. Stevie enjoyed it, but she found her mind wandering frequently back to the spirited mare in the horse trailer nearby. It still didn’t seem fair that she and Stevie would be separated soon. Stevie’s mind kept going around in circles, trying to figure out a way to keep it from happening. But another part of her mind knew it was useless. She had ridden her horse for the last time.
    As the demonstration ended and the crowd began to disperse, Max found Stevie. “Young lady, I’d like to speak to you for a moment,” he said, pulling her aside.
    Stevie glanced back at her friends and gulped. Just because Max had let her ride No-Name in the rally didn’t mean he wasn’t going to chew her out for the stunt she’d pulled. She just hadn’t expected him to do it so soon.
    “Max, I’m really sorry for trying to trick everyone likethat,” she began. “It’s just like I told you, though—I really wanted to ride her one more time, and—”
    “Stevie,” he interrupted, holding up one hand. “That’s not what I was going to say. I think you know the risk you took by disobeying the restraining order. And I think

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