G.H.O.S.T. Teams (Book 2) Shifters

G.H.O.S.T. Teams (Book 2) Shifters by Bobby Brimmer Page B

Book: G.H.O.S.T. Teams (Book 2) Shifters by Bobby Brimmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bobby Brimmer
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    “Hey, I really was looking at your wounds.”
    “Even if that were true…”
    “Which it mostly is.”
    “…The intent was still there,” she said.
    “I get no credit for being a gentlemen.”
    “That’s because you’re a flirtatious pig,” she smiled.
    “Can’t I be both?”
    “No. Besides, we’ve both been fighting our attraction to each other for a while now. But after the way I acted tonight, I can’t imagine what you think of me.”
    “Stop that. This wasn’t your fault. You’ve already said you don’t normally go into heat right now. Plus, this was more intense than it should be. Obviously something is affecting you. Have you talked to Kara? Maybe there is some type of magical voodoo in the air or something?”
    “We’ve talked about it a few times. She doesn’t sense anything strange. No reason that she can see for this to be happening.”
    “Okay. Until you figure things out, do you need to take some time off?”
    “I’m not leaving you all now. Especially with those Reds in town,” she stated.
    “Fair enough. Is there anything I can do to make this easier on you? Some way for me to tone down the sexy?”
    “Oh, you can control that, can you?” she smirked.
    “Sadly, no. Such is my curse. I’ll have you know that I never asked to be this good looking.”
    She stuck her finger in her tea and flicked a bit at me as she shook her head laughing. I wiped the spots of jasmine off of my arm as I smiled. Looking at her it was clear that she felt much better. Obviously, all of this had been weighing heavily on her. I was happy that we finally cleared the air. Since she already talked to Kara, I wondered who else knew.
    “Does everybody else know?”
    “About me being in heat? No, just Kara,” she said.
    “I meant about you being foxy?”
    “Oh, of course.”
    “Why am I always the last to know?”
    “To be fair Bruce, you were kind of a late addition to the party. We were teamed up and training together for a while before we met you.”
    “Right. But you could have told me once we got to know each other.”
    “Frankly, you seemed more interested in flirting with us ladies than you did getting to know us,” she smirked.
    “Good point. But you didn’t think to bring it up in our training?”
    “I guess I was just waiting for the right moment. Besides, I didn’t want to change things between us.”
    “I knew you liked the flirting.”
    “Maybe?” she questioned, “Or maybe I just want to understand what you are trying to do.”
    “Um, isn’t flirting pretty self explanatory?”
    “It’s clear that most of your flirting is simply how you keep the mood light. Your fallback comedy position if you will. But, I think I know the other reason you do it.”
    “Oh really? Do tell.”
    “You’re trying to keep the women in your life at a distance.”
    “I think you’ve had too much tea,” I smiled.
    “Or I’ve just seen through your defenses.”
    I held my expression steady, not letting my lighthearted smile falter. This wasn’t a direction I wanted this discussion to go, at least not now. So, it was time to return to our foxy programming.
    “So, that werefox thing is pretty cool. How often do you change?”
    A smug smile crossed her face as it was clear that she thought she was on to something. But, whether because she was being polite or just thought she owed me one tonight, she dropped it and continued my education.
    “I sneak out a couple times a month. Whenever I can find the time to get away. It’s so freeing. I don’t know if I can explain it properly. But letting the animal run wild, it’s complete bliss. Bounding through the forest at top speed, my senses open, taking in every sound and smell. Oh Bruce, it’s better than sex,” she smiled.
    “Okay then.”
    “Sorry,” she laughed, “Just wanted to use terms you’d understand. It’s just so relaxing. I wish I could share it with you.”
    “Maybe one day. Can I ask about your family? Were they also

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