Ghost Detectors Volume 1

Ghost Detectors Volume 1 by Dotti Enderle Page A

Book: Ghost Detectors Volume 1 by Dotti Enderle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dotti Enderle
behind her. A couple of quick turns led them into the school clinic.
    Mrs. Goolsby was lying down holding the photo, an ice pack on her forehead.
    Malcolm approached his teacher, his head down. “Mrs. Goolsby, I’m so sorry that picture upset you.”
    â€œI don’t want an apology, Malcolm. I wantan explanation. My husband left for a fishing trip five years ago . . . just two days before our wedding anniversary. He never returned. How on earth did you get this picture of him?”
    â€œMrs. Goolsby,” Malcolm began.
    â€œAnd how did you know he called me Noonie?”
    â€œNoonie?” Malcolm’s head snapped up. He stared hard at Mrs. Goolsby. He had no idea what she meant.
    â€œYes. My husband called me Noonie. He nicknamed me that because we first met each other at the college diner right at noon. So, he always spelled it N-O-O-N-E.”
    Now Malcolm got it. “I promise, Mrs. Goolsby, I didn’t tamper with that photo. That’s how it came out.”
    He had no choice but to tell the truth. He hoped she’d believe him. “I think your husband is trying to tell you something.”
    Mrs. Goolsby glanced at the picture, then at Malcolm. She sat up, leaning closer to him.
    â€œWhat do you think he’s trying to tell me?” she whispered.
    â€œI don’t know. Let’s find out,” Malcolm whispered back.


    M alcolm went back to the classroom to retrieve his camera. The class was now being led by a substitute teacher.
    â€œExcuse me,” he interrupted, “I need Daniel to come with me.” He held up the camera. “For official school business.”
    The sub nodded.
    Dandy sheepishly got up from his desk. His face had turned a carsick green.
    â€œI’m in trouble too?” Dandy asked when they reached the hall.
    â€œNo, but I may need you to back me up, in case things don’t go as planned.”
    â€œWhat plan?” Dandy slowed his steps.
    â€œJust come on,” Malcolm said.
    Dandy looked even sicker when he saw Mrs. Goolsby waiting for them.
    â€œFollow me,” Malcolm told them.
    The three walked out the front door and over to the school’s marquee. Malcolm took a quick picture. He checked the camera to make sure what he needed was there. “We’ll be able to see it better after we upload it to a computer.”
    It didn’t take long.
    â€œIt’s the fisherman,” Dandy said. “I thought we weren’t supposed to tell. Why are we showing Mrs. Goolsby?”
    Malcolm smiled. “Well, it turns out we were supposed to tell a certain Noone.”
    â€œHuh?” Dandy asked.
    â€œI’ll explain later,” Malcolm said. “Now look closely. Do you see what I see?”
    The photo clearly showed Mrs. Goolsby’s husband pointing to the marquee. It now read: Noone, I’m sorry I missed our anniversary. Check the pocket of my gray jacket. The one I wore when we were married.
    Mrs. Goolsby looked like she may faint a third time. Instead, she excused herself. “You boys go back to class. I think I’ll go home for the day.”
    Malcolm took more pictures around school that afternoon. Mostly banners and bulletinboards, anything with writing on it. But they all came out just as they were originally written. No special messages. No fisherman.
    The next morning, Malcolm and Dandy heard an odd noise coming from their classroom. They cautiously approached the door. The fisherman ghost may have been friendly before, but maybe he had more to say.
    When they peeked around the door, they found Mrs. Goolsby humming! She wore a smile as bright as the gleaming diamond necklace around her neck. She brightened even more when she saw Malcolm.
    â€œMalcolm, may I speak to you for a moment?” she asked him.
    Malcolm glanced at Dandy. Then he approached Mrs. Goolsby’s desk.
    â€œThank you,” she whispered,

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