Georgie's Heart

Georgie's Heart by Kathryn Brocato Page B

Book: Georgie's Heart by Kathryn Brocato Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Brocato
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
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shocked her, although it seemed to encourage Zane. He stroked his thumbs over the cloth covering her nipples and she felt them tingle with delightful sensations.
    She had too many clothes on, she realized. No doctor could examine a patient who insisted upon remaining fully clothed. When Zane thrust his hands beneath the oversized blouse she wore and reached behind her for the clasp of her brassiere, she lifted to help him. The bra gave way and Zane covered her breasts with his palms.
    Georgeanne gasped when she felt Zane’s hands on her bare breasts. When his thumbs caressed her nipples, and his fingers joined in to learn their size and shape, she moaned aloud. He shoved her blouse up and gazed down on her, and Georgeanne recognized in his face all the emotions she experienced.
    Desire this intense was foreign to her. She had never felt anything like it. She thought she was actually being drawn out of her body when she felt the warm, drawing suction of his mouth on her. The cool air on the moistened area when his mouth left one breast to taste the other created another erotic sensation that made her gasp aloud.
    â€œYou have a perfect body.” Zane gazed on her with rapt attention. “I’m going to buy you one of those skimpy bikinis, and you’re going to wear it. At home, for me.”
    Ordinarily, the thought of a bikini would have made Georgeanne think of diets and suffering. With Zane staring at her as if he couldn’t get enough, she could hardly wait to put on the bikini.
    â€œI’d love to see you in one of those thongs,” she whispered.
    Zane’s passionate gray gaze rose to her face. “For you, I’d wear one, Georgie.”
    He kissed her again, teasing her mercilessly with his tongue, and then touching her breasts with little licks and nibbles. Georgeanne knew she was going out of her head. Dimly, somewhere in the back of her alleged mind, she knew that there was work to be done and that she was shirking, and that, furthermore, she was lying out in the open air letting a man who looked like a movie star undress her.
But what a way to go
, her body cried.
    For once, Georgeanne was in no condition to listen to her head. She listened to her body and was lost.
    Georgeanne knew something incredible was about to happen. Something she’d only dreamed about, and had once prayed to feel even a glimmering of in a man’s embrace. She trembled in Zane’s arms, incapable of thinking. All she could do was feel.
    To her anguish, Zane stilled.
    She murmured a protest and sought to pull him closer, but Zane refused to cooperate.
    â€œDon’t, Georgie. I can’t wait to make love to you. But not here, and not now, where anybody could walk up on us. Someone from the clinic is liable to come looking for us at any moment.”
    Georgeanne’s eyes flew open with dismay. She had been literally lost to the world, something that had never happened to her before. What was wrong with her?
    â€œBesides, I don’t think you’re quite ready to go this far.” Zane stroked her hair back from her face in a soothing motion. “I never meant to let things get out of hand like this, but you go to my head more powerfully than bourbon.”
    Georgeanne’s thoughts tumbled through her bemused brain like pebbles in a polisher.
    All these years —
    So this was what —
    And it hadn’t been like this with —
    But with Zane —
    She had never wanted, never craved like —
    She closed her eyes again, breaking off her disjointed thoughts. So this was the feeling she had been reaching for and couldn’t find with her husband. The lack of it had destroyed Georgeanne’s marriage and had caused her husband to consider her a poor excuse for a woman.
    And now she had almost found out what all the fuss was about, in the arms of a man she had met barely one week ago.
    Worse, if she had met Zane sooner, Fritzi Field would not currently be wreaking havoc

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