Gary Gygax - Dangerous Journeys 3 - Death in Delhi

Gary Gygax - Dangerous Journeys 3 - Death in Delhi by Gary Gygax Page B

Book: Gary Gygax - Dangerous Journeys 3 - Death in Delhi by Gary Gygax Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Gygax
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction, Fantasy
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eyes bright in the firelight's glimmer. Was there cunning in that look, or merely hopeful expectancy?
    "You abase yourself unnecessarily. I am not angry at you. These folk here have told me you are able, a natural one to lead the company. But enough of this. I am tired, so the sahibah and I will go to our own place for the night. I am a very light sleeper, though, so at the least disturbance we will be ready with our weapons. Tonight there will no thieves creeping undetected into the encampment to pillage and harm."
    As they walked away, Rachelle whispered, "Does he fear we will assume command of the company? What is wrong with that? Who could object? I don't think I like that man. He's altogether too—" She bit off her words, for a small sound came from behind them.
    Inhetep heard it too, and he spun. Aghasur was a few paces behind them. "What do you want?" the magister barked. There was a very hard edge in his voice.
    "To thank you again, great ones. I ... I didn't mean to intrude. I leave now. Good night." He stood, looking at them, not actually moving.
    Without a word, the wizard-priest turned away, ignoring the man. Back at their little bonfire, he said to Rachelle, "That one bears watching. He couldn't have been close enough to hear you were speaking a foreign tongue, but he might have caught the sound of your voice. I'll wager he now knows I lied when 1 said you had taken a vow of silence. Perhaps master Aghasur is simply jealous of his position, wants to retain authority—but perhaps it is something else. Let us keep one eye open at all times."
    As if in response to the magister's words about being safe from robbers, Inhetep and Rachelle were attacked an hour after midnight. The amazon was indeed sleeping as if with one eye watching, and Setne had laid an alarm perimeter to alert him if anyone came near. Four men thought to crawl close enough to kill the two sleepers. Instead, their intended victims were up and smiting the would-be bandits before the quartet knew what was happening. With sword and dagger, Rachelle slew one while he wiggled on his belly. The other she cut down when he sprang up and tried to grapple with her. A party with main gauche, thrust, thrust, and double again with both blades.
    The magister likewise speared a crawling assailant, then used his long weapon to fend off the other. Seeing himself alone, the robber bolted off, but he took no more than a dozen running strides before the spear-tipped magickal staff took him in the back. He shrieked and fell, dead before he sprawled onto the ground.
    As quick as it had been, there was sufficient noise to rouse the rest of the camp. Torches were thrust into the fire's embers, whirled aloft to bring the clearing into ruddy illumination. Everyone was confused, shouting, fearful. Aghasur and his cronies were running about with clubs and daggers, ready to fall upon any other thieves. Then bedlam arose as one after another of the four corpses glowed a reddish color and vanished in a clap of miniature thunder, leaving only black, oily vapors to mark where they had been.
    "Those were the ones who tried to make trouble—the ones Aghasur put in their place!" someone cried. "That is what happens to those who serve the Lord of Tigers when they are slain!"
    "No!" somebody contradicted. "That is what the secret enfor—" A companion shook the speaker, silencing him. Those two looked at each other a moment, each with fear plainly etched on his countenance. The moment broke, and it affected the whole company. As if a pall had fallen over them, all went off quietly, no longer interested in what had occurred. Yet it seemed to Rachelle and Inhetep that many of the folk glanced their way, gave small nods, or flashed brief, thankful smiles before closing into insular knots.
    "You brought this upon yourselves!" Aghasur accused as he and his followers came to confront the two. "Perhaps it would be better for all if you left this company."
    The magister stared at the fellow.

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