Gargoyle's Mate
agitation. “I want everything put back.”
    “Fine, if you won’t do it then I will.” She stalked off to the closet.
    “Fatima,” he cautioned.
    Whatever ! He had no right to make decisions for her, especially choices potentially detrimental to her career. She gasped when he stopped her in her tracks, seeming to speed across the room at an unbelievable velocity to block her.
    “How did you do that?” What was going on around here? Maybe something was wrong with her. After all, she’d slept for so long. Had she been ill, was it the reason everyone wanted her in bed?
    “I don’t want to argue with you, ma cherie , please.” He sighed. “You’re right, I should have talked to you about this first. After last night I was certain you felt the same way I do about us.”
    “I do,” she admitted hurriedly. “But to wake up and find all my things here, then Pierre and the whole scene downstairs,” she rambled. “Your father must think you’ve gotten involved with a lunatic. I’m sure I look a fright.”
    “You look beautiful,” he reassured, pulling her gingerly into his arms.
    “Were those men relatives?”
    “Some. Come to bed.”
    Feeling suddenly drained, she allowed him to lead her across the room.
    “I have to get back to our guests. Promise me you’ll rest? If you need anything call downstairs. Remotes are in the top drawer of the end table. If you want to watch television the screen slides down from the ceiling.”
    “Will you be long?” she mumbled as he tucked her into the bed.
    “I’ll try not be.”
    Gordy paced the length of his small living room. “Okay, give it to me again.”
    The pert strawberry blonde lounged against the sofa looking bored. She’d thought professors were supposed to be intelligent. Why was he wasting his time going over something she’d spent an hour explaining already, especially when they could be doing much more interesting things? Her stomach growled hungrily. She hadn’t fed since the night before and Gordy looked like a tasty entrée right about now.
    She loved the transformation in him since she’d made him her slave. Gone was the sickly pale complexion. In its place was a deep even tan she knew could last year round. His formerly slight frame had filled out in all the right places and provided him with a thin yet athletic build he could never have achieved on his own. Even his blue eyes seemed to have gained an intensity he would’ve otherwise never attained. Yup, he was the best so far. Too bad he wouldn’t be around long enough to enjoy it. They never were.
    Her gaze wandered down to the bulge barely hidden by loose fitting sweats. Even his cock had grown something she’d never experienced before in her two thousand years of existence.
    “Okay, but this is the last time.” She rolled her eyes skyward, beginning again as if he were a child. “Excluding insects, and your run of the mill animal communities, the world is made up of various creatures of ‘higher intelligence’ both seen and unseen. Mortals or humans make up a large portion of the seen world. Life walkers, succubae like me, weres, elves, gremlins and gargoyles would be the next group, although our numbers are considerably smaller. Then you have the immortals, usually vampires, although there are some beasties I would be insulted to consider as ‘higher’ intelligence’ in the category as well.”
    Gordy nodded as if the order of things made sense to him.
    “What about the unseen world?” he asked.
    She shrugged, “It doesn’t really much matter since they are unseen and prefer to keep anonymous. To maintain a balance, none of the life-walkers or immortals is allowed to propagate their species outside of the natural order of things. If this were to happen… well, I don’t need to tell you how easily the balance could be disrupted.”
    “Makes sense.”
    “I know for a fact the gargoyles are looking at genetically altering human females to breed with in order

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