Galaxy of Empires- Merchant Wars Episode #1
your father and they will pay. This is only the beginning, even if
I have to hunt them down to the ends of the universe.”
    A tall snake man dressed in leather and high
boots with blasters on both hips walks down a hall decorated with
elegant paintings. He stops and knocks on a large door with a gold
    “Enter.” A deep-voiced person says with
    The snake man enters the large, elaborately
decorated conference room with a big table and several large chairs
made of gold and velvet. There is a huge chair facing the other way
and looking out the window with someone sitting in it. The snake
man can only see a hand and goblet from his vantage point.
    The figure in the chair says with impatience,
    “Sir, the Strikeforce was annihilated and the
targets suffered no damage. There was one person who was collateral
damage in her party and some other people in surrounding
    “Hmm…I suspected as much. I guess my
informants were telling the truth. Dracka does not invest time on
people who are insignificant.”
    “Do you wish to send another Strikeforce,
    “No, it is not necessary. The Strikeforce was
a test to see if Lady Eve is worth my time. She may be exactly what
I am looking for as well as her three daughters. Who was injured or
    “Our sources say her boyfriend who others say
may be the father of Eve’s daughters.”
    “That could cause some complications. Did he
die or is he still alive?”
    “He is in intensive care and looks like he
should pull through, at least they are hoping.”
    “Very well. I will have to figure out
solutions to either scenario. Keep me informed.”
    “Yes, Master.”
    “Now get out.”
    The snake man leaves the room.
    The person sitting and looking out the window
says in a firm tone, “So you really think she is the one, eh?”
    “Yes, I do,” The arachnid Weapon Master
appears after shedding his invisibility.
    “Then get that lame excuse of a pirate to
report to me.”
    To be continued in Episode

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