Galaxy in Flames

Galaxy in Flames by Ben Counter Page B

Book: Galaxy in Flames by Ben Counter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ben Counter
Tags: Science-Fiction
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followed the lord commander, driving Eidolon forwards by covering him and holding off enemies who tried to surround him.
    More Emperors’ Children stormed into the dome and the battle at the base of the pyramid. Tarvitz saw Lucius beside Eidolon, the swordsman’s blade shining like a harnessed star.
    It was typical that Lucius would be at the front, demonstrating that he would rise swiftly through the ranks and take his place alongside Eidolon as the Legion’s best. Tarvitz slashed his weapon left and right, needing no skill to kill these foes, simply a strong sword arm and the will to win. He clambered onto the first level of the pyramid, fighting his way up its side through rank after rank of black armoured foes.
    He stole a glance towards the top of the pyramid, seeing the burnished Death Guard warriors climbing ahead of him to reach the figure at the summit.
    Leading the Death Guard was the familiar, brutal form of Nathaniel Garro, his old friend forging upwards with powerful strides and his familiar grim determination. Even amid the furious battle, Tarvitz was glad to be fighting alongside his sworn honour brother once again. Garro forced his way towards the top of the pyramid, aiming his charge towards the glowing figure that commanded the battlefield.
    Long hair whipped around it, and as sheets of lightning arced upwards, Tarvitz saw that it was a woman, her sweeping silk robes lashing like the tendrils of some undersea creature.
    Even above the chaos of battle, he could hear her voice and it was singing.
    The force of the music lifted her from the pyramid, suspending her above the pinnacle on a song of pure force. Hundreds of harmonies wound impossibly over one another, screeching notes smashing together as they ripped from her unnatural throat. Stones flew from the pyramid’s summit, spiraling towards the dome’s ceiling as her song broke apart the warp and waft of reality.
    As Tarvitz watched, a single discordant note rose to the surface in a tremendous crescendo, and an explosion blew out a huge chunk of the pyramid, massive blocks of stone tumbling in the currents of light. The pyramid shuddered and stones crashed down amongst the Emperor’s Children, crushing some and knocking many more from its side.
    Tarvitz fought to keep his balance as portions of the pyramid collapsed in a rumbling landslide of splintered stone and rubble. The armoured body of a Death Guard slithered down the slope towards a sheer drop into the falling masonry and Tarvitz saw that it was the bloodied form of Garro.
    He scrambled across the disintegrating pyramid and leapt towards the drop, catching hold of the warrior’s armour and dragging him towards firmer ground.
    Tarvitz pulled Garro away from the fighting, seeing that his friend was badly wounded. One leg was severed at mid thigh and portions of his chest and upper arm were crushed. Frozen, coagulated blood swelled like blown glass around his injuries and shards of stone jutted from his abdomen.
    ‘Tarvitz!’ growled Garro, his anger greater than his pain. ‘It’s a Warsinger. Don’t listen.’
    ‘Hold on, brother,’ said Tarvitz. ‘I’ll be back for you,’
    ‘Just kill it,’ spat Garro.
    Tarvitz looked up, seeing the Warsinger closer as she drifted towards the Emperor’s Children. Her face was serene and her arms were open as if to welcome them, her eyes closed as she drew the terrible song from her.
    Yet more blocks of stone were lifting from the pyramid around the Emperor’s Children. Tarvitz saw one warrior – Captain Odovocar, the Bearer of the Legion banner – dragged from his feet and into the air by the Warsinger’s chorus. His armour jerked as if torn at by invisible fingers, sparking sheets of ceramite peeling back as the Warsinger’s power took it apart.
    Odovocar came apart with it, his helmet ripping free and trailing glittering streamers of blood and bone as it took his head off.
    As Odovocar died, Tarvitz was struck by the savage beauty of the

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