
Frostbitten by Heather Beck Page A

Book: Frostbitten by Heather Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Beck
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had felt for Kate instantly disappeared. She was rude, conceited and didn’t
care about other people’s feelings. It was no wonder that even her friends
didn’t like her – she was such a bitch.
    “It’s my turn,” Kate
continued, staring straight at Anastasia. “Never have I ever seen Anastasia and
Frost meeting secretly behind the school and acting very friendly.”
    Anastasia’s face flushed.
How the hell did Kate know about that? One look at Chloe’s surprised expression
assured her that she’d said nothing about the matter.
    “Seriously?” Marissa
asked with wide eyes, apparently forgetting how upset she was with Kate.
“What’s it like to talk to him?”
    “You’ve never talked to
Frost, like ever ?” Anastasia asked in shock, realizing that the
segregation in Cedar Falls was worse than she’d initially thought.
    “Of course not,” Kate
replied for Marissa, “but that doesn’t mean we’re not curious. After all, every
town needs a freak, and I’m starting to wonder just how weird Frost really is.”
    “He may be different
but that doesn’t make him weird,” Anastasia argued, trying to control her
    “I’ll believe that when
I see it,” Kate said in her signature leading tone of voice. “Perhaps we should
pay Frost a visit and see what he’s like when he thinks no one is watching.
It’s the only way to reveal someone’s true nature.”
    “By spying on him?”
Anastasia was horrified by the idea.
    “Consider it a field
experiment,” Kate said nonchalantly as she began to get ready.
    “I heard Frost lives
deeper in the woods than anyone else in Cedar Falls,” Marissa commented with a
    “This doesn’t sound
like a good idea,” Chloe added.
    “With my parents out of
town, I can’t leave you guys alone in my house. So, it looks like you’re coming
with me, bitches.” With that said, Kate grabbed her coat and then sauntered out
of her house, causing Chloe, Marissa and Anastasia to hurry after her.
    As Kate drove down the
deserted road on route to Frost’s house, Anastasia began to feel uneasy. She’d
only come to keep Chloe and Marissa safe, but what protection could she really
offer them? Anastasia was a city girl who knew very little about the way of the
    All too soon, Kate
pulled over at the side of the road and then instructed in a bossy tone,
“Everyone out!”
    “Here?” Marissa asked,
her eyes wide with fear.
    “It’s not like I can
park in his driveway,” Kate snapped, before getting out of the car.
    Obediently, Chloe and
Marissa exited the car. Not wanting to be alone, Anastasia followed them just
in time to see Kate disappear into the woods. She gulped. It was a still,
cloudless night, and the full moon shone brightly, casting creepy shadows
everywhere. The air was frigid, and the sound of Kate treading quickly over the
snow seemed to echo eerily throughout the woods.
    “We shouldn’t let her
go alone,” Marissa said, her voice almost shaking.
    Anastasia nodded, while
quickly deciding that the best way to get out of this situation was by
convincing Kate to return home. With Chloe and Marissa by her side, she took a
deep breath and then entered the woods. Using the light from the moon,
Anastasia navigated in between the trees, following the sound of Kate’s
footsteps until she found her.
    “This is stupid,”
Anastasia said, after the three of them had caught up to Kate. “Everyone is
saying there’s a potentially dangerous animal on the loose, and I swear I saw
something in the woods.” Hesitating, she finally added, “Frost was with me and
he claims it was a cougar.”
    Kate’s speed increased,
but she seemed to be driven by anger instead of fear. She was like a girl
possessed, hell bent on getting to Frost’s house as quickly as possible.
Confused, Anastasia wondered what was wrong with Kate – and with all of them
for following her in the first place.
    “Anastasia’s right,”
Chloe said firmly. “This isn’t

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