Frontier Gift of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 5)

Frontier Gift of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 5) by Dorothy Wiley Page B

Book: Frontier Gift of Love (American Wilderness Series Romance Book 5) by Dorothy Wiley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dorothy Wiley
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back from hunting and it’s getting late.”
    “Oh no,” Catherine said, covering her mouth with a hand. Concern quickly filled her eyes.
    A wave of apprehension gripped Sam. “I checked the house earlier. When I didn’t find him, I starting searching everywhere. He hasn’t come back in here has he?”
    “No, I don’t think he’s inside. I haven’t seen him for hours. Could he be hiding somewhere? Maybe playing some kind of game?”
    “Little John!” Sam shouted up the stairs as loudly as he could. They heard no response, except both the cook and housekeeper came rushing out of their quarters appearing alarmed. The urgency in his voice must have worried the women.
    He quickly approached the two. “Have either of you seen Little John?”
    “No, Sir,” they both said in unison.
    “What do you think it means?” Catherine asked, her fists clenched tightly at her sides.
    Sam could hear the alarm in her voice. The last thing she needed was this upsetting her. “God only knows. It’s not like John to disobey me, I asked him to be home before dark. Three of our men and I are leaving to search for him. I told Garvin to stand guard in front of the house in case you need him. Keep the back and front doors barred until further notice.”
    The cook and housekeeper nodded their understanding.
    “All right, Sam. Please be careful,” Catherine said.
    He took hold of her hands. “I will, Catherine. We’ll find him,” he promised emphatically. “Please try not to fret. It’s not good for you or the babe.” She would likely worry anyway, but he had to say it.
    He turned toward the cook and housekeeper. “I want you ladies to be sure Catherine rests while I’m gone. And take good care of her!” It sounded like an order because it was.
    “We will Captain,” Mrs. Wrigley promised while Miss Henk lit a few candles to brighten the dark room. “We’ll be praying that you find Mister John with all speed.”
    Sam glanced toward the door at the sound of the hired hands riding up outside the house. “Time to go.” Since it was winter, the only time he ever wore a hat, he snugged his tricorne over his head. To ward off the frigid night air, he exchanged his light coat for a heavier one. As always, he carried his long knife, but he grabbed his Kentucky rifle, powder horn, lead bag, and a second flintlock pistol as well. “I’m going to let Garvin use your rifle, Catherine, so he’ll have two rifle shots, if needed.”
    “Of course,” she replied.
    He kissed Catherine before he left. A man should never leave his wife without kissing her.
Life is entirely too precarious and one never knows what threats the day may hold…or the night
    He tossed Catherine’s rifle to Garvin, snatched up Alex’s reins, and sprang on top of the big gelding.
    He peered down at Garvin. “Guard Catherine and the other women. If anything happens and I’m needed, use your rifle and Catherine’s rifle to fire two shots into the air. Remember, one if Little John comes back, two if my wife needs me.”

    “We’re getting’ close,” Bear told Artis. “I can see the smoke from their hearth risin’ above the tree line.”
    “Na a moment too soon,” Artis said. “I’m near freezin’. It’s grown far colder in the last hour.”
    “Aye, it has. Feels like snow’s comin’. That hearth fire and a hot cup of coffee will be most welcome.”
    As they rounded a corner on the trail, Bear heard men hollering and horses in the distance. Several mounts. Was it Sam? He peered ahead and saw riders coming up the path toward them. “I think that may be Sam. Na one sits a horse quite like Sam. I can see his buckskin’s dun-colored coat. He has three men with him.” He turned a worried glance toward Artis. “They’re callin’ out for Little John!”
    Bear urged his horse to a run, quickly confirming that it was indeed Sam with three men.
    “Bear!” Sam called out.
    Within a few moments, Bear tugged Camel to a stop in front of Sam’s

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