From the Corner of His Eye

From the Corner of His Eye by Dean Koontz Page B

Book: From the Corner of His Eye by Dean Koontz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dean Koontz
Tags: #genre
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he could recall, hands clutching at him out of the dark-and then he was awake, wheezing. Night still pressed at the glass beyond the venetian blind. The pharmacy lamp in the comer was aglow, but the chair that had been beside it was no longer there. It had been moved closer to Junior's bed.
        Vanadium sat in the chair, watching. With the perfect control of a sleight-of-hand artist, he turned a quarter end-over-end across the knuckles of his right hand, palmed it with his thumb, caused it to reappear at his little finger, and rolled it across his knuckles again, ceaselessly.
        The bedside clock read 4:37 A.M.
        The detective seemed never to sleep.
        "There's a fine George and Ira Gershwin song called 'Someone to Watch Over Me.'
        You ever hear it, Enoch? I'm that someone for you, of course, in a romantic sense."
        "Who…who're you?" Junior rasped, still badly rattled by the nightmare and by Vanadium's presence, but quick-witted enough to stay within the clueless character that he had been playing.
        Instead of answering the question, meaning to imply that he believed Junior already knew the facts, Thomas Vanadium said, "I was able to get a warrant to search your house." Junior thought this must be a trick. No hard evidence existed to indicate that Naomi had died at the hands of another rather than by accident.
        Vanadium's hunch-more accurately, his sick obsession-was not sufficient reason for any court to issue a search warrant.
        Unfortunately, some judges were pushovers in such matters, if not to say corrupt. And Vanadium, fancying himself an avenging angel, was surely capable of lying to the court to finesse a warrant where none was justified.
        "I don't… don't understand." Blinking sleepily, pretending to be still thickheaded from tranquilizers and whatever other drugs they were dripping into his veins, Junior was pleased by the note of perplexity in his hoarse voice, although he knew that even an Oscar-caliber performance would not win over this critic.
        Knuckle over knuckle, snared in the web of thumb and forefinger, vanishing into the purse of the palm, secretly traversing the hand, reappearing, knuckle over knuckle, the coin glimmered as it turned.
        "Do you have insurance?" asked Vanadium.
        "Sure. Blue Shield," Junior answered at once.
        A dry laugh escaped the detective, but it had none of the warmth of most people's laughter. "You're not bad, Enoch. You're just not as good as you think you are."
        "Excuse me?"
        "I meant life insurance, as you well know."
        "Well… I have a small policy. It's a benefit that comes with my job at the rehab hospital. Why? What on earth is this about?"
        "One of the things I was searching for in your house was a life insurance policy on your wife. I didn't find one. Didn't find any canceled checks for the premium, either."
        Hoping to play at befuddlement awhile longer, Junior wiped his face with one hand, as if pulling off cobwebs. "Did you say you were in my house?"
        "Did you know your wife kept a diary?"
        "Yeah, sure. A new one every year. Since she was just ten years old."
        "Did you ever read it?"
        "Of course not." This was absolutely true, which allowed Junior to meet Vanadium's eyes forthrightly and to swell with righteousness as he answered the question. not?"
        "That would be wrong. A diary's private." He supposed that to a detective nothing was sacred, but he was nonetheless a little shocked that Vanadium needed to ask that question.
        Rising from the chair and approaching the bed, the detective kept turning the quarter without hesitation. "She was a very sweet girl. Very romantic. Her diary's full of rhapsodies about married life, about you. She thought you were the finest man she'd ever known and the perfect husband."
        Junior Cain felt as if his heart had been lanced by a needle so thin

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