Friendship Dance

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Book: Friendship Dance by Titania Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Titania Woods
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which student to send.’
    Twink gazed at the glowing ball in wonder. She had never seen a sparkle-seeker before; they were normally only used for solemn decisions concerning adults. This dance must be very important indeed!
    With a flurry of her long sleeve, Miss Shimmery tossed the sparkle-seeker into the air. It hovered in place for a moment . . . and then slowly flew out into the Branch.
    The fairies held their breath as the shining light circled this way and that. Sometimes it hesitated at a table, but it always moved on again, floating lazily about the room.

    Poppy sat watching anxiously, but the glowing orb flew past her without even pausing. Twink and Bimi looked at each other, their eyebrows raised. If not Poppy, then who?
    Sooze gasped. ‘It’s heading this way!’
    As Twink and her friends watched open-mouthed, the sparkle-seeker drifted towards them. It was even brighter up close: a tiny, pulsating whiteness. It circled the Violet Branch table as the fairies sat very still, hardly daring to move.
    It stopped over Twink’s head.
    Twink peered up in confusion, waiting for the star to move on. But it stayed where it was, gently turning. Amazed whispers burst out across the Branch.
    â€˜Twink!’ hissed Bimi, grabbing Twink’s arm. ‘It’s chosen you !’
    â€˜But –’ Twink could hardly speak. Her face felt on fire. The sparkle-seeker couldn’t have chosen her. Why on earth would it?
    â€˜Twink, please come forward,’ said Miss Shimmery.
    In a daze Twink fluttered to the front of the Great Branch, with the star bobbing along after her. Surely there had been some sort of error, and Miss Shimmery was going to tell everyone so and try again?
    Instead, the HeadFairy smiled warmly at her. ‘The sparkle-seeker has chosen,’ she said. ‘Well done, Twink.’
    â€˜But – but Miss Shimmery, this has to be a mistake,’ stammered Twink. ‘I’m only a third-year student!’
    Miss Shimmery shook her head. ‘Age has nothing to do with it. You’ll bring something to the dance that is needed, and that no other student can bring. Now, with your permission, I’ll write to your parents this evening by special night-moth. If they say yes, then you’ll leave for the palace tomorrow. You’ll stay there for two weeks, to practise the dance and then perform it at the celebrations.’
    Two weeks? Twink opened her mouth and shut it again. But that was so long!
    â€˜Only if you agree, though,’ said Miss Shimmery gently. ‘Are you willing to go to the palace and represent our school, Twink?’
    Twink’s thoughts tumbled like autumn leaves. Go to the palace and dance for Queen Mab? On the one wing, it sounded like the most thrilling thing in the world . . . but on the other, it sounded more than a little scary. Just a few minutes ago, she had been looking forward to a nice, ordinary term with her friends – and now this!
    Biting her lip in uncertainty, she looked out at the school. At the Snowdrop Branch table, her younger sister Teena was staring at her wide-eyed. And a few tables along, Twink’s friends were smiling broadly at her. ‘Say yes , Twink!’ came Sooze’s piercing whisper.
    Laughter rippled across the Branch. Even Miss Shimmery smiled. ‘Well?’ she asked.
    Twink took a deep breath. Above her, the star still shone, casting a bright light across her features. ‘All right,’ she said. ‘I’ll do it!’
    Twink’s parents gave their permission gladly, and a few hours later, Twink found herself repacking her oak-leaf bag. It felt very strange to be the only fairy packing!
    â€˜Twink, you’re so lucky!’ breathed a pointy-faced fairy called Mariella. ‘Imagine going to the palace! Of course,’ she added, flipping back her silvery-green hair, ‘my parents are very close to Queen Mab, so I wouldn’t be that impressed . . . but you

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