Freedom Vs. Aliens (Aliens Series Book 3)

Freedom Vs. Aliens (Aliens Series Book 3) by T. Jackson King Page A

Book: Freedom Vs. Aliens (Aliens Series Book 3) by T. Jackson King Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Jackson King
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our ancestral land.”
    The emperor’s expression softened. “It will be done. And if you have AV recordings of your battles against these Aliens, I would welcome the opportunity to view them.”
    “They are being transmitted now,” Hideyoshi said.
    “Second incoming call,” Denise whispered.
    Jack sat back in his seat. An action noted by the emperor. “I gather you have other callers. The Empire of Japan values its new alliance with the Asteroid Belt. May the sun always rise upon your home.”
    “Thank you. And may your wisdom continue to guide the people of Izanagi and Izanami,” Jack said.
    The emperor’s image vanished, to be replaced by a middle-aged Chinese man of Northern Han descent, judging by the man’s sharp cheekbones, long head and formal manner.
    “I am People’s Commissar P’eng Hua, director of the Central Committee of the People’s Republic of China. To whom am I speaking?”
    China! He had hoped that land which held one-third of humanity would leave the Unity. But it had been a long-shot hope despite the country’s Mars colony. Would there be anger at him for encouraging Mars to declare its independence from Earth?
    “Jack Munroe, Fleet Captain of the combined fleets of Mars and the Asteroid Belt now speaks,” he said bluntly. “You called?”
    “I did.” The man scanned the other people in the Pilot Cabin of the Uhuru , lingering on youthful Denise. Shaking his head abruptly the man focused on Jack. “Fleet Captain, I inform you that the People’s Republic has today raised the five star red flag of the Chinese Commune over our ancestral lands. The Unity ambassador has been expelled. As have the Unity military adjutants and five Unity naval vessels that were visiting Shanghai Port. We have advised the Unity Space Command they are no longer welcome at our three space launch sites. Does that suffice?”
    Jack felt his mouth go dry. “Yes it does. Your launch sites at Xichang, Jiuquan and Taiyuan will be left alone by our fleet. Your fusion pulse ships launch from Jiuquan and Taiyuan. Please ensure that those ships have no Unity persons aboard them.” He paused, kept his expression neutral and gave the key warning. “Our spysats will be monitoring all three of your launch sites. And other launch sites belonging to newly independent nations. If we detect Unity launches from any site within the People’s Republic of China, that location will be vaporized.”
    The man who ruled nearly three billion people gave Jack a sharp look. “Understood. While my people have benefited from the resource sharing of the Unity government, its efforts to make invisible the superior abilities of my countrymen has . . . irritated the Central Committee. We welcome your decimation of the Unity politicians!”
    Jack had no doubt the man did indeed appreciate his removal of a competing leadership clique. “Your call is appreciated. We of the Asteroid Belt welcome a peaceful visit from one of your ships to our capital on Ceres.”
    The man nodded abruptly. “You have my personal contact frequency. Call me if you have need.” The image vanished.
    He grabbed his water bottle, held it to the nipple of his helmet neck ring and sucked deep its cool water.
    “Captain Jack?” called Denise, her tone bemused.
    Well, he had invited this. “Yes?”
    “Incoming AV call from India.”
    “Put it through.”
    A brown-skinned, white-haired man appeared in the middle of the front screen. The leader of more than a billion people wore a white linen longshirt embroidered with scenes from Hindu mythology. He lifted white eyebrows. “You are Jack Munroe?”
    “I am Fleet Captain Jack Munroe.”
    The man frowned at Jack’s implied correction, then shrugged. “I am Prime Minister Anilkumar Krishnamurthy of the Indian democracy. Why do you threaten our space launch sites?”
    Jack folded his gloved hands together. “As I broadcast, the Unity attacked my home with thermonuclear torpedoes. In violation of the Mars Accord.

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