She dressed in new clothes, but not the ones Roarr had picked out. A short sleeved black shirt and pants tucked into her boots. She didn’t feel complete without weapons, but he just shook his head when she asked for one. He tossed her a backpack and she loaded her remaining clothes into it. It was disheartening to realize her life had been reduced to one small bag. He gave her a pensive look as she preceded him out the door, but if he’d read her thoughts he kept it to himself.
They joined Parker, Zola, and two others downstairs. One she recognized as Jarek, Roarr’s healer brother, but she hadn’t seen the other one before.
“ This is Kaje Stian,” Roarr said, introducing her. “He’s my second in command and Steward of the Keep, so you’ll be seeing a lot of him.”
“ My lady,” he drawled, bowing over her hand with a flirty smile.
When Roarr growled, low and screaming back off, buddy , Kaje stood, winked at her and turned to the other two women to try his charms there. She had a hard time holding back her amusement. Roarr moved in close to her.
“ He doesn’t need any more attention, der’lan. Trust me, he gets enough.”
It was damned hard not to laugh at the complaining mental voice. “He’s the charmer in your clan, huh?”
“ You want charm?” he growled.
She shivered at the images suddenly filling her mind. Roarr bent over her. Thrusting into her. Oh, yeah, that would do. She tucked her fingers into his back pocket.
“How soon can you get started?”
He groaned and they followed the others out of the house. “Hours, yet. Just remember I’m available at the earliest convenience.”
Like she was going to forget? She couldn’t get his images out of her head and her memory of last night wasn’t fading either. She sighed, entered the small hover craft, and prayed the trip would go fast. At least it wasn’t bumpy. She was sore and sensitive in erogenous zones she hadn’t even known existed. The heat seemed to build with every passing block and by the time they reached the shuttle, mere minutes after leaving the house, she thought she’d lose her freaking mind.
Roarr, holding her hand, tugged her out of the transport and towards the shuttle. He held her back after the others boarded. She wished that meant they were turning around and going right back to his bed. She knew better when she got a look at his pained expression. It dimmed her ardor a bit, enough she thought it might be bearable.
“ What you’re feeling is mating lust,” he said softly. “We have to control it. There is no privacy on this shuttle.”
And wasn’t that mortifying? Parker was a telepath, and as far as Kareena knew so were the warriors joining them on this journey. The last thing she wanted was anyone else knowing how horny she was. It was embarrassing to have so little self control, frankly. Even now, knowing better, she wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off and throw herself at him.
He gave her a half smile. “With even the smallest semblance of privacy I’d take you up on that, der’lan .”
“ That isn’t helping,” she pointed out, but she was back in control. Sort of. “How long is this flight?”
“ Ninety minutes.”
She groaned. “And after that?”
He’d said hours. There was no way she would make it that long.
“I’ve been gone several weeks. Things have piled up in my absence.” He pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead. He didn’t have to explain that running the clan took priority over an afternoon booty call. She wasn’t sure what to think about that. If she was the mate of his heart as he insisted, didn’t he have obligations to her to? Namely fucking her until her body no longer ached with arousal. But he did have other obligations and he took them seriously. She respected that and wasn’t selfish enough to make demands on his time.
“ Are you ready?” he asked interrupting her thoughts.
“ Yeah. Let’s get this over
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