Freak of Nature (The Lost Witch Trilogy #1)

Freak of Nature (The Lost Witch Trilogy #1) by Katie Lee O'Guinn Page B

Book: Freak of Nature (The Lost Witch Trilogy #1) by Katie Lee O'Guinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Lee O'Guinn
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boy every time he was abused. I would love to find his dad and make him pay,” she said quietly.
    Zane looked up at her considering. “I wouldn’t say no to that. But I don’t want you hurt. Lash’s dad sounds like a psychopath. Besides, what could we do? Killing him would be the best thing for everybody, but if we did, then we’d be just as dark as he is.”
    Sarah nodded her head. “You’re right. We need to focus on Lash now. I’m going to print off the 12 step program for him today and help him get started. He’s an addict. We just have to get him sober.”
    Zane stared at a girl across the room and frowned. “Yeah, for Jill’s sake at the very least.”
    Sarah turned and saw Jill standing in a corner, looking pale, weak and miserable. “Why would a girl give so much of herself to a boy? Even to the point that she’d give up everything.”
    Zane looked at Sarah closely and grabbed her hand, sending comforting warmth streaming into her. She scooted toward Zane and leaned in closer to his side.
    “Sarah, some girls are like that. All a boy has to do is say they love her and they give him anything he wants. It’s usually not blood, but it’s the same thing. They give important pieces of themselves to guys who are just using them. Some of the girls back in Denver were just like Jill except they were able to hide it better. But it was sad to walk through the hallways at school and see empty, miserable shells, just wanting someone to fill that emptiness and looking to the people who were using them for warmth and light that was never coming. They just kept getting emptier and emptier until by the end of the year sometimes, there was just nothing left of them.”
    Sarah sighed sadly, still staring at Jill and felt her heart break for her. “Maybe there’s a 12 step program for that too.”
    Zane leaned over and kissed the top of her head and then straightened up in surprise. “Lash wouldn’t break up with a girl during lunch would he? Please tell me he’s not that big of an idiot.”
    Sarah sat up and winced as she saw Lash standing next to Jill at a careful distance. He had his hands in his front pocket and a guilty expression on his face. She couldn’t hear anything he was saying, but by Jill’s horrified expression, he was definitely breaking up with her. Jill started crying and reached out for Lash, but he stepped back, letting her hand fall on empty air. Lash shook his head almost angrily at her and started to look agitated. He turned his head and looked around the lunch room for a minute until he found Sarah’s face. He stared at her for a moment and looked more resolved as he turned back to Jill. He talked to her for another moment and then turned and walked out of the lunchroom.
    Sarah and Zane exchanged pained expressions. “Maybe I should go talk to her,” Sarah said, standing up slowly.
    Zane held on to her hand. “Too late,” he said as they both watched Jill crumple to the floor. A teacher and three students rushed to her side and carried her out of the room quickly and with little drama.
    “She’ll be okay,” Zane reassured her. “They’ll call her parents and she’ll go home. After a few days of Lash not taking her blood, her strength will return and hopefully her sanity too.”
    Sarah frowned, doubting it would be that easy, but at the same time hoping it would be.
“I hate seeing her like this. She wants Lash so badly, but losing him is the best thing for her. Why do people want what’s bad for them?”
    Zane rested his hands on her shoulders and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Sometimes though, people get exactly what they want and it’s amazing.”
    Sarah felt her heart ease and she turned to smile up at Zane. “I hope so.”
    Zane leaned down and kissed her quickly, sending sparks along her nerve endings. “You better believe it.”

Chapter 11 - 12 Steps
    After school, Sarah had to run to catch up with Lash as he walked towards the front doors. She grabbed his

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