Forgotten Place
"I'm familiar
with the term."
    His grin drew my attention.  Even
though Orion claimed that he spent the night researching, the
dullness in his eyes was gone, replaced by the familiar twinkling
blue.  The beard was trimmed down to a neat goatee
again.  His hair was still long enough to cover half his ears,
but the suit was crisp and suspiciously similar to one that had
been hanging in the smaller walk in closet since I threw him out of
my life in October.
    "You tell me.  Does a guy that likes to
wear diapers and suck a pacifier before the girl he hires to play
mommy flogs him sound like somebody brazen enough to walk into the
busiest hospital in the city and try to kill somebody half an hour
after visiting hours ended?"
    "Probably not.  Nice visual
though.  I think you killed whatever appetite I had."
    One eyebrow twitched.
    "Oh for heaven's sake.  I'm eating," I
shoveled another bite of egg into my mouth.  "So if you don't
think Linder is they guy, I'd imagine that's the excuse you've come
up with for me to stay home instead of talking to him this
    "On the contrary.  I absolutely think
you should settle the question as soon as possible.  Ned's got
access to my file on Datello.  He's been going over the names
of business associates all night too.  If there's a connection
to Danny, he'll find it before two."
    "What makes you think I won't rat you out
the second I get away from you?"
    Johnny shrugged.  "Do what you gotta
do, Doc.  I'll do what I think is right and necessary.  I
guess either we'll have a meeting of the minds or we won't."
    "You can't keep me locked up forever."
    "I didn't think I'd need to.  It hardly
counts as keeping you locked up when you're going to therapy this
morning and interviewing a suspect with Ned this afternoon."
    "Yet there is no freedom to come and go as I
    "Again, it's up to you how fast this
happens.  Just know that I don't make the same mistake
twice.  You had your shot at recuperating in your own way and
in your own time, but you blew it.  Now we do this my
    I started rearranging rapidly cooling food
on my plate.
    "I'm not blind, Doc.  Stop being
childish and finish eating."
    I echoed the sentiment from last
night.  "I really despise you, Orion."
    "I know."
    After another stolen
glance, and I accepted my temporary loss of freedom.  At least
for the time being.  Somebody was bound to take pity on my situation and
intervene before all good sense fled and I resorted to drastic
measures again.
    All was eaten save for the crust of bread
around the slice of toast.  Johnny let it pass – at least this
time.  I doubted he'd find reason to accept future attempts at
defying his will.  Like he said, resistance would only prolong
the current situation.
    Instead of arguing more, I took a sullen
stroll back to my room, showered and dressed comfortably for
physical therapy.  Johnny was waiting for me at the door to
the garage.  "Ready?"
    It felt like a firing squad awaited. 
"I forgot to take a pill."
    "You had your Prozac."
    "I meant a pain pill."
    "Hmm.  Wait here.  I'll get one
for you."
    "I can get my own damn pills."
    "Yeah, and I can read."
    "What the hell is that supposed to
mean?"  I perched one fist on my hip.
    "You had that prescription filled less than
a week ago and it's almost half gone.  Hitting the happy pills
a little hard, aren't you?  If they aren't helping your pain,
maybe we should have a conversation with this surgeon of yours
about trying something that lasts longer and works better."
    "Something stronger?"
    "Don't look so hopeful, Doc.  I was
thinking less addictive and more effective.  Given your
present state of neglect, I'm not sure how safe it is for you to
take a drug that could so easily kill you."
    "I'm not suicidal.  Jesus."
    For the first time since his invasion,
Johnny touched me.  His hands spanned my waist easily, fingers
overlapping in the back.  "Aren't you?"
    "That's hardly a fair indicator. 
You've got

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