Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3)

Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3) by Heather Allen Page B

Book: Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3) by Heather Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Allen
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his city.”
    I nod unsure where she is going with this.
    Her face darkens and anger enters her tone, “Because of you and your grandfather, Roman is attacking all of the Erebus.”
    I am finally seeing it now. Roman is scared of more rebellion. I’m sad for this girl because I would like nothing more than to take away the obvious fear she is feeling.
    She adds curtly, “You being here will just cause more trouble for us.”
    She gets up and demands, “You need to leave.”
    I shake my head, “Actually I came to help. I want to help free you from the Lior rule. We just did it back home. It can be done again.”
    She glares down at me, “You said you just met Roman today. That means he knows you are here. They will come looking for you. You need to leave.”
    I get up and try to reason with her, “No, you don’t understand. If you don’t stand up for yourselves, you won’t ever be free to choose and be who you want to be.”
    She shakes her head and turns toward the tunnel, “James, go home and leave us alone. We didn’t ask for this.”
    She walks to the tunnel but I refuse to let her get away. I have to help. Somehow I know this is where I’m supposed to be, to help. I follow her for a few feet. She spins on her heel and points angrily at me hitting my chest, forcing me to hit the cave wall with my back.
    “Go home, my father…I can’t take anymore loss. You’ll just make it worse.”
    I watch as all of her strength leaks away and her voice falters, “It’s just not fair.”
    She starts to quietly cry placing her hands over her face.
    I grasp her wrist and pull her to me. As if I’m not controlling them, my arms embrace her and she cries into my chest. The electricity travels through me and it turns to warmth and something I can’t quite pinpoint. Something I don’t want to ever go away. I know at this moment that this girl is where everything was leading me to and the last thing I intend on doing is leaving.
    Chapter 21
    Alex, of course, does what he always does. He takes care of me. I feel his hand squeeze mine as he answers Roman’s question.
    “Roman, Ever has decided to join our fight. She wants to be here. She can be a great asset to us.”
    As he finishes, he looks over at me with complete confidence and something else I recognize. The same look he gave me when he tried to tell me that he loved me, back on land when I told him I don’t share the same feelings. My eyes waver and I stare at the bulky guy far in front of us. My acting can only take me so far. I feel terrible for doing this to Alex.
    Roman swims over to us and gazes down at me. Can you say intimidating? He circles around us and settles back in front of me. I know this is a test and I have to pass with flying colors but I am never good with being put on the spot. While he stares down at me and the silence spreads, I hear a voice.
    A snarky voice belonging to Metea exclaim, “Alex, are you really sure she wants to be here with you? I know for a fact she isn’t meant to be with you and I think she knows that too.”
    At this point I am having a stare down with Roman and I am trying to block out her cryptic words and how they probably affect Alex. What she meant by that I haven’t a clue. I concentrate on convincing Roman that I am here for Alex. I squeeze Alex’s hand, hoping he doesn’t get in trouble for this. I wonder how he is feeling and hope it doesn’t give him any doubt about my intentions.
    Finally Roman breaks his gaze and swims back to his chair without a word. Alex and I hover in the water waiting. I look forward afraid to see any disappointment on Alex’s face. It feels like we are waiting for sentencing. I’m so tempted to just go home and be done with this charade.
    Before I can think about home anymore, which is probably a good thing, he speaks to us.
    “Alex, I believe she just might be useful in this attack. Why

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