Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3)

Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3) by Heather Allen

Book: Forever Breathing (Just Breathe #3) by Heather Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Allen
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reason there are no people out near the front of the caves. I have the feeling I am about to enter into something way bigger than anything I could’ve imagined.
    She looks forward, takes a deep breath and pushes the door open. The first thing that strikes me when I glance into the room is the light glowing through the small space. It seems to be coming from up above. I look up and see the luminescent tubes that seem to be everywhere under the sea. The light shining down gives everything a sheer glow. I also notice there are no other people, still. I look back over at her as she enters the room.
    She turns around to face me and tells me with a serious look, “The next room is in air so you will need to ‘will’ your legs when I let the water go.”
    I nod not knowing what else to say but eating her up with each look. She closes the door we just came through and closes her eyes. The water level slowly falls as if a giant drain were pulling it from underneath us. I ‘will’ my legs as soon as the new air hits my nostrils. I stumble on wobbly legs as the last of the water disappears. Then I focus on her and notice her tiny figure that is just about the most adorable thing I have ever seen. What is my problem? Just this morning I was still pining for Sara.  I shake my head to clear it and look across the room to another door.
    She follows my gaze and looks back at me almost silently pleading with me not to make her go in there. I want to ask her what is wrong, and why she looks so scared, but I keep my mouth closed.
    She walks up to the door, her hand lingering on the handle for a minute, taking a deep breath, she pushes it open. As soon as it clears the door frame, I see movement on the other side and the same lighting as in this room. She walks through the doorway looking back at me. She signals with her head for me to follow. I stride through the doorway and surprise hits me at the sight in front of me.
    There are people, finally. They are all moving with a purpose. The room we enter seems to be an fon>
    An older woman, graying at her temples with short blonde hair comes up to us, glances in my direction unsure and whispers to the girl, “Alody, I’m glad you’re back. You’re father seems to be taking a turn for the worse.”
    Her voice lowers more, “Were you able to get the medicine?”
    Alody is her name. I didn’t even get her name back there. It couldn’t be more perfect for her though.
    She glances up at me with a sad glance and looks back to the woman, “I wasn’t able to get out of the caves.”
    She hurriedly says to me, “James, right?”
    I nod.
    “I…um…have to go. This is Jenna. She will take you to the meeting cave.”
    I ask, “Will I be able to speak with whoever is in charge there?”
    She quickly looks at Jenna and back to me, “Yes, just be patient. Please.”
    Jenna doesn’t wait for me to agree. She walks toward a tunnel to the right. My eyes linger on Alody but before I can say anything she turns and hurries down the tunnel to the left of us. I could follow her but that probably won’t give the best impression and I really need to talk to someone who knows something, not follow some girl that has me smitten.
    Jenna keeps walking silently and doesn’t bother to check that I am following. She is dressed in more clothing than I have seen under the sea in a long time. Usually everyone walks around in bathing suit pieces and parts but this woman has a long skirt, topped with a long sleeved shirt and a scarf of some sort around her shoulders. All of her clothing seems very worn and faded. I glance down and see her feet are bare like mine. That is one thing that I think won’t ever change, shoes aren’t needed here. After about ten minutes of winding tunnels, we enter a pretty immense room laden with tables and benches in rows. Jenna turns and gestures that I should sit down.
    I oblige but ask, “Who is in charge here? When will he be here?”
    She looks back down the tunnel we came

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