Forbidden Hunger (Lee County Wolves Book 1)
his mouth, licking the blood away, she suddenly wished she was his thumb feeling his warm tongue. Her eyes shot to his at her thoughts. When he looked down to check the damage of his thumb, she actually felt bad. Damn her niceness. She always had a hard time being a bitch. “Sorry.” She sighed, still looking longingly at his thumb going back to his mouth.
    For a second, he looked surprised, but then a predatory gleam glazed his eyes. “It’s okay.” He leaned closer to her. “I like fire in my woman.”
    She frowned, and then started to struggle. “I was really trying to apologize for biting you and you have to say that.” She struggled in earnest, but couldn’t budge him. “You’re rude.”
    “No, I’m honest,” he replied, this time his full hand moved closer to her breast and he growled when her body responded by twisting toward his fingers. “And so is your body, even if you’re not.”
    “What is that supposed to mean?” Janna glared up at him.
    “It means you are so busy fighting what your body wants that you’re not paying attention.” He nodded to his hand and her body twisting to fit her full breast into his waiting hand.
    Janna looked down and was shocked. He was right and she knew it, except not only did her body want him, so did her heart. It was her mind that was afraid. She couldn’t take another heartbreak; she wouldn’t live through it. Everyone she ever cared about was gone. She was alone and scared, but she wanted nothing more than to give in to him, let him care for her, take away her problems by making love to her. But that wouldn’t solve anything, other than the ache between her legs.
    “I’m going to let you up.” He moved his hand away from her breast, and she could have sworn her beast cried out ‘Noooo.’ “Do not head toward the window, but if what you really want is to leave, then use the door. I won’t stop you.”
    Surprised at his change in mood, she felt the pressure of his hand ease. When he completely removed his hand, she just lay there staring at him.
    “You have about sixty seconds to get your bag and get out of here. I have never forced a woman and I’m not about to start now. If you want to leave, then grab your bag and go.” Garrett stood, but his eyes stayed firm on her. “But if you are still in this room after sixty seconds, you are making a conscious decision of staying and will bend to my will.”
    She could mentally hear the time ticking away in her head and wondered why in the hell she wasn’t moving. Bending to anyone’s will was not something she was comfortable with, or maybe she was since she wasn’t busting ass to the door yet. Slowly she sat up, glanced at her bag and then at Garrett, who watched her every move. As if moving in a daze, she stood, grabbing her bag. Turning, she headed toward the door and stopped.
    The silence was deafening. The only noise was the beating of her own heartbeat in her ears. Somehow she knew walking out of that door and out of this man’s life would be the biggest mistake she ever made, but she couldn’t understand why. Dropping her bag, she turned toward Garrett.
    “I’m not a very good bender.” Her eyes rose slowly toward him, silently pleading with him to make her understand.
    Walking up to her, Garrett stopped as he reached behind her, closing the broken door. “I promise you bending to my will is something that will be pleasurable, always.” His strong hands reached up to cup her face, bringing her closer to him. “I promise to always put your welfare above my own. Never fear, Janna, you are my reason to breathe. I know you don’t understand, but soon you will.”
    His words touched something deep inside her. She felt calmer, more at ease in her own skin. If only his words could ease her soul. What could he do if he held her tightly? Wanting to know, she broke his grip on her face and wrapped him up in her arms. She breathed in deeply, his scent making her body tingle. Her inhibitions

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