Footsteps in the Dark

Footsteps in the Dark by Georgette Heyer Page A

Book: Footsteps in the Dark by Georgette Heyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette Heyer
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and reading the morning paper. "Good morning, my dears," she said, laying the paper down. "I see there has been fresh trouble in China. I feel one has so much to be thankful for in not being Chinese."
    "Darling Aunt Lilian!" said Margaret, twinkling. "You really are a marvellous person!"
    "On the contrary I fear I am a very ordinary one. And why you should think so merely because I remarked…'
    "Oh, I didn't! But after what you went through last night I wonder you can be so calm."
    "I lay awake and thought about that for some time after you had left me," said Mrs. Bosanquet. "Do you know, I have come to the conclusion that I behaved very foolishly?"
    Celia looked up hopefully. "Do you mean you may have imagined it after all?"
    "No, my dear, certainly not. I am not at all imaginative. In fact, your uncle used very often to say I was too mundane. But then he was extremely imaginative himself, and could tell the most entertaining stories, as I daresay you remember."
    "Then how did you behave foolishly?" asked Peter, helping himself from one of the dishes on the sideboard.
    "In screaming in that uncontrolled manner. I realise now that my proper course would have been to have challenged the apparition, and commanded it to tell me what it wanted. For, on thinking it over, I am convinced it manifested itself for some good purpose. Thank you, Peter, yes, I will have an egg." She began to tap the shell briskly. "It is obviously an unquiet spirit, and when you consider that it no doubt belongs to the remains you discovered in that very nasty, airless little cupboard, one can hardly wonder at it."
    "I do wish you wouldn't, Aunt!" begged Celia. "Even in broad daylight you give me the creeps."
    "Then you are being very silly, dear child. Good morning, Charles. I hope you slept well to make up for your loss of sleep earlier in the night."
    Charles took his seat at the head of the table. "I am grateful for the inquiry, Aunt, but no, I didn't. I might have, but for the fact that I was constrained to get up three times; once to look under the bed, once to open the wardrobe, once to demonstrate to your niece that the noise she persistently heard was the wind rustling the creeper outside the window."
    "Well, I'm sorry, darling," Celia said, "but after what happened you can't be surprised that I was nervous."
    "Surprise, my love," responded her husband, "was not the emotion I found myself a prey to."
    "Perhaps it'll convince you that the only thing to do is to go back to town this very day," Celia said pleadingly.
    "I confess that a prospect of any more such nights doesn't attract me," said Charles. "But what's the opinion of Aunt Lilian?"
    "I was about to say, when you came in," answered Mrs. Bosanquet, "that I have considered the matter very carefully, and come to the conclusion that we should be doing wrong to leave the Priory."
    Charles paused in the act of conveying a piece of toast from his plate to his mouth, and stared at her. "Well, I'm damned!" he said inelegantly. "Give me some coffee, Celia: I must drink Aunt Lilian's health."
    "Very wrong indeed," nodded Mrs. Bosanquet. "Perhaps we have it in our power to set the ghost free. It probably wants us to do something, and to that end it has been endeavouring to attract our notice."
    "I see," said Charles gravely. "And probably it can't make out why we all seem so shy of it. I wonder how it'll try to - er - attract our notice next? It's already knocked a picture down, and thrown a skull at our feet, and made you faint. It must be getting quite disheartened at our failure to appreciate the true meaning of these little attentions."
    "It is all very well for you to make a mock of such things, Charles," Mrs. Bosanquet said with dignity, "but I am perfectly serious. So much so that I am determined to do my best to get into communication with it. And since Margaret is going to town on Thursday to see her dentist I shall ask her to call at my flat, and request Parker to give her my planchette

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