Football Romance: Secret Baby Romance: Quarterbacks Heart ( Bad Boy Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Sports Pregnancy Romance)

Football Romance: Secret Baby Romance: Quarterbacks Heart ( Bad Boy Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Sports Pregnancy Romance) by Isla Jordan Page A

Book: Football Romance: Secret Baby Romance: Quarterbacks Heart ( Bad Boy Alpha Male Romance) (New Adult Contemporary Sports Pregnancy Romance) by Isla Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isla Jordan
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interrupted me during a performance! I relaxed when I saw the smile on his face though as he slipped me a piece of paper.
    “The gentleman in the far left table, number 7, has requested this song. He is about to propose so if you could just go over to them after your first song, that would be great. He tips very well too!”
    I smiled and nodded, that I could do. If I was ever good at anything in this world, it was using my voice. It had served me well in many price talent shows. It had served me well when I was screaming in labor and it would definitely not let me down tonight. Maybe I could even buy my daughter a new tricycle if the tip turned out to be well enough.
    I took a deep breath when it finally came to singing the couple their engagement song, this memory would be forever in their hearts. I needed to make it perfect for them. I started the song as I walked toward their table, just as the man got down on one knee, how sweet. Everything around them was perfect and the lady shrieked as she stood up. And that was where the perfection ended, because for the first time in my l One. -Katherine
    All my life I had been searching for a gift that just keeps on giving, and I lucked out with my pregnancy four years ago. One, I had the most beautiful daughter in the world and two, I now had an ass every man in this small town wanted and tried to grab, squeeze and metaphorically tap! I rolled my eyes at my sarcastic thoughts as I swatted away another hand with my dish towel and made a run for it on my skates. My baby was the most precious thing to me and my entire life, but being pregnant had left me with…generous assets. I really wished I had gone back to being stick thin after I had Caitlin.
    “One of those days, huh?”
    I looked up from my crappy tips and sighed, it was always one of those days. I might have been treated like a stripper in the cheesy 70s themed diner, but I certainly wasn’t tipped like one! I could barely even afford a box of cereal from my daily tips from these perverts!
    “What is the going rate for murder these days?”
    Adam grinned, making his green eyes sparkle and reminding me once again there were still good men in the world. He was my true North, so to speak, on my messed up men campus.
    “I think you are too pretty to go to prison and besides, I can’t have custody of Caitlin; I’m too pretty to have a kid!”
    I laughed and playfully hit him with my dish towel before looking at my watch again. It hadn’t changed since the last five minutes I did that, but I checked anyway. Because ever since Adam got me the job at Note Café a month ago, I wished I could be there every second of the day. But I needed the two jobs to make rent, food and daycare, and neither job paid enough on its own to cover all those.
    “Your shift is almost over, Kate. Looking at the poor watch every sixteen seconds will not make time go any faster!”
    I frowned, “Sixteen?” that was an odd number to pick, but that summed Adam to a T, odd.
    He confirmed it by smirking, “I counted.”
    “Adam, you are not a paying customer so I don’t expect you to delay my staff!”
    Adam winked and disappeared, the traitor, leaving me with my seething boss. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and planted a forced syrupy smile on my face instead, when all I wanted was to punch his face in along with every other dodgy man in this god forsaken diner.
    When my shift finally ended, I was more than happy to hop onto my bike and rush to Note Café. Here I could play dress up and pretend I was the superstar I had always wanted to be. I didn’t have to worry about sleazy scumbags who just wanted a piece of me and I certainly didn’t have to stress about getting more tips. Note café was a fancy place restaurant where the customers wore watches worth my entire life and then some. I had once dreamed I would be one of them, rich and successful. Then maybe I could have given my daughter everything she deserved. But alas, I was just the

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