Focus (The Crescent Chronicles, #2)
to push reality aside when
he was this way.
    Levi was making me go through the
various verb forms of “to be” when my phone rang. “Mind if we take
a break? It’s Anne.”
    “ Go ahead.”
    I picked up. “Hey, Anne.”
    “ Hey. You’re still at
Levi’s right?”
    “ I’m guessing Hailey told
    “ Yeah, I’m not interrupting
anything am I?” she said suggestively.
    “ Yeah, you’re interrupting
some hot French studying.”
    “ Hey, you know Levi would
be happy to tutor you in other things.”
    “ Don’t start.”
    The look Levi gave me made me think he
might have heard her. I hoped not. Either way, he got up and
refilled his glass with water.
    “ Okay, okay. I’m calling
because a bunch of us are going to Rock ‘n’ Bowl .”
    “ Rock ‘n’ Bowl?”
    “ Yeah, there’s a Cajun band
playing that Brandon was raving about the other day.”
    “ Brandon? You’ve been
talking to him more?”
    “ Yeah, he’s in my psych
class, remember?”
    “ Oh yeah.”
    “ Are you in?”
    “ I don’t know. I have an
econ test in the morning.”
    “ Don’t you know that stuff
ridiculously well? And if you don’t, why are studying
    “ I do know it. I just don’t
want to stay out too late.” My responsible side kicked
    “ Then come for an hour or
so. We can leave early.”
    I considered it. Music and bowling
sounded a lot better than studying. “Maybe. I’ll let you
    “ Okay, bye.”
    Levi was back in his seat when I hung
up. “Rock ‘n’ Bowl, huh?”
    “ Have you been there? Is it
    “ Yes, I’ve been there. And
it’s definitely an experience.”
    “ An experience?”
    “ Yeah, want to go and find
out?” He flipped my pen around in his hand.
    “ Sure, for a little bit.
Could you drive me home kind of early though?” If Levi was going,
it would make things easier. We’d gone out as a group a lot, but
this was actually the first time since the summer that we’d be
arriving somewhere just the two of us.
    “ Of course. I wouldn’t want
you too tired for your econ test.” He smiled. I knew he was making
fun of me, but I refused to let him get a rise out of
    “ Thanks, I appreciate
    “ And, as always, the offer
to come back here is on the table.”
    I shook my head. “You just had to add
that in, huh?”
    “ Come on, you can’t blame
    “ All right, I’ll let Anne
    Rock ‘n’ Bowl wasn’t at all what I
expected. Surprisingly, I didn’t mind how closely Levi stuck to my
side as we walked inside. He easily moved us through the crowds of
people who were drinking beer while listening to the loud music. We
found my friends on a lane.
    “ Here you go.” Hailey
tossed me a pair of socks.
    “ Thanks.” I caught the
rolled up socks. “Wait, you really think I’m going to put on
bowling shoes?”
    “ Of course. I’ve got your
size eight and a half’s right here.” She gestured to a pair of red
and blue bowling shoes.
    “ Did you get mine too?”
Levi held out his hand.
    “ No. Get your
    “ Fine. I’ll be back in a
second.” He walked off, and I expected it to take a while
considering how crowded it was.
    “ How was your French
tutoring?” Anne grinned.
    “ Thrilling.”
    She laughed. “Well, he’s a lot hotter
than any tutor I’ve ever seen.”
    “ Thanks, Anne. I appreciate
that.” Of course, he chose that moment to return. Evidently, his
charm worked at bowling alleys too. I doubted Levi actually knew
what it was like to wait in line.
    “ Is Jared meeting you
here?” Tiffany asked Levi.
    “ Why? You want to see
    I pushed Levi.
    “ What? I’m sure Jared would
love to hear that.”
    Tiffany blushed. “No. I just wondered
since Jared and Owen are usually with you.”
    “ But you didn’t ask about
    “ Shut up, Levi.”
    “ What?”
    I glared at him.
    “ Fine. Sorry
    She looked away. “I was just surprised,
that’s all.”
    “ We know. Levi’s just

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