Flynn, Joyee - My Feisty Kitten [Purrfect Mates 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Flynn, Joyee - My Feisty Kitten [Purrfect Mates 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) by Joyee Flynn Page B

Book: Flynn, Joyee - My Feisty Kitten [Purrfect Mates 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) by Joyee Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyee Flynn
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received. That was a good sign in my mind.

Chapter 8

    “Sure? Vamp sure he want fairy?” Imogen asked, sounding manic. I jumped to get out of bed, hissing in pain when my wounds protested the movement fiercely. I lay right back down and turned to face my mate. “Tiger sleep. Tiger and his big cock need rest. Aaron and I work out.”
    “Do it, Imogen,” Aaron whimpered and stuck out his ass further. I was shocked on so many levels at the sight before me. Aaron was kneeling on the floor, his hands cuffed to the bed frame, with our naked mate behind him. “I want you so badly, and you need me right now. If this is the only way you trust I won’t hurt you so we can be intimate, I accept that.”
    “Good vamp. Imogen like vamp very much,” he moaned and thrust into Aaron. They both moaned in pleasure, and I joined right in at the sight they made. Imogen glanced at me as he started fucking our mate and gave me a funny look. “Magic built up. Need release badly. Waited too long because tiger hurt. Used so much magic yesterday that it regenerated and built up faster.”
    “I’m glad Aaron could help you with that.” I threw off the sheet that had been covering me and started stroking my leaking prick. “This is one hell of a way to wake up.”
    “I can help you with that, too,” Aaron grunted and opened his mouth for show of what he meant as Imogen pounded into his ass.
    I shook my head as Imogen’s thrusts became erratic, knowing he was getting close. “I’m enjoying the show, and this is you guys’ time to play.”
    “Vamp need to come. Imogen close,” our fairy moaned and thrust harder. He reached down and stroked Aaron faster than I could keep track of. Holy shit! Aaron went wild, his back bowing as he screamed out our mate’s name and came. “Good vamp. Aaron listen well and come for his mate.”
    I wanted to shout for joy at what Imogen said, but I knew better than to listen to what he said in this manic state. If he called Aaron his mate when he was calm and not overloading, then I’d believe he meant it.
    He threw back his head and cried out in pleasure as he reached his peak, pumping everything he had into Aaron. Just as Aaron’s orgasm began to ebb, his eyes shot open, and I could practically hear the crackling energy of magic being passed to him.
    “My gods,” he hissed and came again. That would probably have his cock tender later since I couldn’t see if Aaron had gone soft after his first orgasm. Either way, he didn’t seem to be complaining from the noises he was making.
    “Thank you, Aaron,” Imogen whispered and kissed his back when they were spent. “I’m sorry this is how our first coupling happened, but you don’t know how much it means to me that you were there for me when I needed you.”
    “You’re very welcome,” he moaned as Imogen pulled out of him. “Can we get the cuffs off now though? We were kind of frisky and my wrists hurt.”
    “Oh fuck,” Imogen whimpered as he moved to take them off. I could see the skin was raw and bleeding slightly. “I was pulling you back too hard, and I didn’t even realize it. Why didn’t you say anything?”
    “I didn’t realize it either at the time.” He chuckled when he was free. They both got up on the bed with me, sandwiching me between them. “It was only when we were done that I started noticing the pain.”
    “I’m so sorry.”
    “No worries. I’ll heal,” Aaron replied holding out his wrists to show it was already getting better. “But you can do something for me?”
    “Is that why you said yes? So you could drink from me now?” Imogen asked with a growl, his eyes filling with tears at the same time.
    “No!” Aaron shouted and sat up. He pointed to my now wilting cock. Fighting wasn’t a turn-on for me. “I was going to tease that you wore me out, and I promised to take care of Sasha. I was simply hoping you’d ride him and let me watch. It’s fine. I’ll leave.”
    “Wait,” Imogen whispered as Aaron

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