
Floodgate by Alistair MacLean Page B

Book: Floodgate by Alistair MacLean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alistair MacLean
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a.m., tomorrow morning. Same place. This can mean one of two things.'

'I know what it means,'de Graaf said. 'Either they're on to us or they're not on to us. It is quite possible that they had no idea that they were being shadowed ever since leaving the Hunter's Horn this afternoon. On the other hand it's perfectly possible that they did know. If they did, they can have only one purpose in wanting to meet you, to see how much you know, what danger your knowledge offers and how best they can eliminate this danger. It should, I imagine.. be all very discreet. And, if they suspect you and suspect that you in turn suspect them, they're being clever, for in that case one would have expected them to opt for a neutral rendezvous, for if they suspect you're an undercover policeman or working as an agent for the police then they must automatically suspect that the Hunter's Horn is a police hang-out. But, of course, to go elsewhere would be to tip their hand that they know.' De Graaf sighed. 'All very devious and complicated. Designed to spread confusion and doubt on all hands. Maybe they've been taking lessons from the FFF. Or vice versa. Another brandy, Peter? No? In that case I suggest we be on our way. I expect we shall be having a rather long day tomorrow. Do you have any particular plan for this young lady tomorrow?'

'I shall think up some onerous task by and by. As yet, no.'

'Um.' De Graaf pondered. 'You, Anne, are, of course, seen quite often in the company of Sergeant Westenbrink.'

She smiled. 'I find it difficult to think of him other than as Vasco. Yes, of course. We have to talk and it seems the best -and also the easiest - thing to do it openly.'

'Quite. Do you come and go as you like there?'

'Of course. That's the whole point of being us. No hours, no rules, no regulations. You do as you like, you're as free as the air. ) 'It would cause no undue comment if you were not to turn up for a day, even two days?'

'No.' She hesitated. 'Am I supposed to be intelligent and guess what you're getting at, sir?'

'You're intelligent enough. It's just that you lack the training and experience to have a nasty, devious, suspicious mind, such as is possessed by Lieutenant van Effen, and I hope you always will.' Annemarie shook her head, almost imperceptibly, then looked questioningly at van Effen who said: 'The Colonel is right, you know.' 'I don't know. That is, I'm sure he's right, but I don't know what he's right about. If you're having fun with me, I don't think it's very fair.' 'We aren't having fun with you, Annemarie. Teasing or diminishing people is not our idea of having a good time. Look. All this is a matter of connections. It's at least possible - I'd say a fifty-fifty chance - that Agnelli and company are on to us. In that case, Vasco is also under suspicion because he introduced them to me. And because you are known to associate with Vasco you, in turn, come under suspicion. 'What the Colonel's suggesting is that you lie low for a day, maybe even two. Depends how things develop. I have the feeling, irrational, perhaps, that the development is going to be very rapid indeed. It's not a pleasant thought for the Colonel or myself that you should fall into those people's hands. Think of those two detectives, the tails who ran out of luck. We already know that those people are ruthless, that the inflicting of pain is a matter of indifference to them. It may even be a downright pleasure. How would you care to be taken by them and tortured? I am not trying to scare you, Annemarie. I'm talking about something that's halfway between a possibility and a probability.'

'I think I've already told you.' Her voice was very quiet. 'I'm not particularly brave.'

'And then they'd know who it was they had on their hands. They'd be over the moon. Another lovely blackmailing trump in their hands in addition to their still undisclosed trumps. Apart from your own health, you'd be putting us in an impossibly difficult situation.'


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