Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection

Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection by Lucia Jordan Page A

Book: Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection by Lucia Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucia Jordan
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windows lining the walls of the boardroom.
    “I’ve been meaning to talk to you too, Dad. And I apologize for being late for the meeting today,” he said as they both stood viewing the skyline from Rush Towers. Both men almost stood shoulder to shoulder, Damian just that much taller and yet Elvin Rush remained just as straight even for a man pushing his sixties. They might be alike in looks, right down to the inky black hair which only had a few pinches of grey in Elvin’s case. And Damian might have much of his corporate drive from his father but that’s where the similarities ended. Elvin had only ever loved one woman in his life and that was Damian’s mother who’d died when Damian was a teen. Elvin had never remarried and Damian couldn’t say he’d ever seen his father show an interest in any kind of relationship since then. Damian respected that but he didn’t get it. Why would anyone want to be alone?
    Not that he thought he was any better. Damian was well aware that one night stands and strictly physical contact with women had to be just the same. No woman could interfere with his life which was fine with him. In and out. But maybe that would change with Hanna. He just had a feeling.
    “Don’t worry about that,” his father was saying. “But I’m glad you seem to be getting along with your assistant.”
    Damian stiffened, wondering how to take that. His father’s next words put him at ease.
    “She’s lasted far longer than any ever had and she is undoubtedly competent handling your many known traits – one of them being someone very hard to please,” commented Elvin Rush.
    Damian couldn’t hold back a smirk. “Oh, Ms. Simms pleases me very well,” he murmured. “You’ll get no complaints from me.”
    It was Elvin Rush’s turn to stiffen, sending his son a sideways look which Damian returned with an innocent one. “Good to know,” his father said moments later. “I’ve followed her track record and she’s deserving of how high she’s risen in the company. She’s a priceless employee, Damian. Try not to send her off like the others.”
    The older man sighed deeply and didn’t seem to require a response, adding in a more troubled tone, “But that’s still not why I asked to speak to you. Remember the Bertillon acquisition?”
    Damian frowned and nodded. “Our bid won amidst some very tough competitors. One of them your old friend Otto Jessup. He wasn’t too pleased about being bested, I take it.”
    Elvin Rush nodded. “Word going round is he’s made some questionable contacts. People who don’t play fair. And considering that Jessup’s no more than a thug dressed in a Saville Row suit, there’s no saying how sore a loser he’s going to be.”
    Damian looked worried. “I know you guys are no longer as close as you once were…”
    Elvin huffed. “Plainly put, we stopped being friends and settled for having some less than healthy rivalry. He said some things during negotiations that made me concerned.”
    “Did he threaten you?” Damian asked, turning to face his father as he felt his fists clench.
    Elvin shook his head. “He just dropped a few hints. Told me not to be such a workaholic, to take some time off, focus more on family. That one never knows when something might happen, and you wish you took care to concentrate on the little things.”
    “What the hell does that mean?” Damian said with a scowl.
    “Nothing. I just want you to be more careful. The deal’s in the bag but one wrong move and Jessup could take advantage since he had the next best bid. All I’m saying…take it easy. I’m glad you’re back from your last trip. I had talks with a few security outfits and…”
    “Dad, seriously,” Damian said impatiently. “I don’t care if Jessup has ties with some mafia kingpin. I don’t believe he meant any mischief by his comments. What are you going to do now, hire a few bodyguards, beef up our already state of the art security both here and at our

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