Flame of Diablo

Flame of Diablo by Sara Craven Page B

Book: Flame of Diablo by Sara Craven Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Craven
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    faltered as she also remembered how
    very different the circumstances of her
    waking this morning might have been.
    She went on eating, moving her jaws
    automatically, but the edge had gone
    from her appetite.
    After a while she said jerkily, 'I don't
    think I—thanked you properly for
    arriving when you did yesterday. I want
    you to know I am very grateful.''
    He finished his last mouthful of fish and
    tossed the bones into the fire. His mouth
    twisted a little as he looked at her.
    'Gratitude, querida ? That isn't what I
    want from you.'
    Her heart skipped a beat. 'But that's all
    there is,' she said quickly, too quickly.
    She put down her plate and leaned
    forward, looking into the fire which was
    dying now, avoiding looking at him,
    letting her pale hair swing like a curtain
    between them. 'I know that—last night
    was rather fraught, but we've both had
    time to think now, and I can't believe you
    really meant what you said, or that you
    mean to go through with it.'
    'Then you had better believe it, Raquel,'
    he said softly. 'Because I meant every
    word.' He paused as if expecting some
    response, but she sat motionless and
    silent, her eyes fixed on the fire's
    glowing embers as if she was trying to
    hypnotise herself. His voice went on
    mercilessly, 'I don't share your views on
    nudity in the morning, querida. You look
    very lovely when you have just woken
    up, with your hair ruffled and your eyes
    large and bright with sleep. The
    prospect of waking and finding you
    naked in my arms has an almost dazzling
    appeal for me.'
    'No!' The sound came almost strangled
    from her throat. 'Don't!'
    He ignored the pitiful appeal in her
    voice. 'Yes, I too thought last night,
    chica, but my thoughts didn't run on the
    same lines as yours. I thought of that
    black velvet mole on your hip and how
    much I wanted to press my lips against
    it.' His voice roughened. 'Hair like
    honey and skin like cream. A man would
    have to be a eunuch to look at you and
    not wonder how you would feel, how
    you would taste.' He gave a harsh laugh.
    'Poor Carlos! He must have thought it
    was both La Navidad and his birthday
    when you agreed to ride off with him.'
    'Don't you dare mention Carlos to me,'
    she said raggedly. 'I lied when I said I
    was grateful to you. You—you're worse
    than he is!'
    He lifted a mocking eyebrow. 'Surely
    your comparison is a little premature,
    querida. And unfair to poor Carlos, who
    was hardly given the opportunity to ...'
    'You know what I mean!' she shouted.
    'And you can just stop making your
    damned edged remarks as well. They
    may go down well with your—bleached
    matrons from Santa Barbara, but to me
    they're a pain!'
    She wanted her words to sting, to get
    under his guard and hurt him, but he only
    'You're beautiful when you are angry
    too, chica. That cool, composed facade
    cracks a little and one catches a glimpse
    of the passion underneath. You will be a
    rewarding experience.'
    'Thank you,' she said bitingly. 'Please
    don't expect me to feel flattered.'
    His mouth slanted sardonically. 'I pitch
    my expectations of you higher than that.
    And now, if you have finished your
    breakfast, we had better prepare to
    depart. I have saved some warm water
    for you if you wish to wash yourself. I
    don't recommend the river. The currents
    are deep and strong, and there could be
    other inhabitants who might find that
    white skin of yours an irresistible lure.'
    Rachel reached for the pot of warm
    water he had indicated and stood up
    consideration, of course,' she said with
    glacial sweetness and patent insincerity.
    'But if it ever came to a choice between
    you and a shoal of piranhas, I'd choose
    them every time!'
    And she turned on her heel and walked

    In spite of her brave words, Rachel
    decided it would be more prudent to
    make use of the warm water for her
    ablutions. She was an adequate but not a
    strong swimmer, and the swirling

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