Fixing Justice

Fixing Justice by Suzanne Halliday Page A

Book: Fixing Justice by Suzanne Halliday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Halliday
Tags: Justice Brothers Book 2
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The suggestion that she and the bossy golden-haired Justice Brother head off together to fix an agency problem had come completely out of the blue.
    Keeping her composure around Draegyn was hard enough as it was. Being thrown together with him on a twenty-four seven project was asking for trouble. The sexy arrogant man would try to dominate her every move. Why that thought had her feeling all tingly and breathless made her uncomfortable as hell. Shit . Focusing on the conversation he was having with Alex, she noticed the barely leashed power radiating off his hard male body. He was one notch under being openly aggressive and clearly unhappy.
    Alex ran his hands back and forth across his already mussed hair and sighed. When he spoke, his tone had an edge of irritation that surprised Tori. “The man is a king-size dick, and he got what he deserved. He’s using this crisis to try and stoke an old flame. Tori can do the update and reboot with her eyes closed. We both know you are the only one who can put that motherfucker in his place. You guys fly in tomorrow. I’ll have Betty make all the arrangements. Two, maybe three, days tops.” Turning a worried frown her way, Alex gazed at her for the longest time with an enigmatic void in his dark eyes. “I could use your help, Tori. Justice needs you.”
    Dammit. Her brain defaulted to idiot mode as she searched for something sensible to say. When her eyes lifted she saw Draegyn’s mocking smirk and realized the jerk expected her to make a scene and bring the whole plan crashing to the ground. Something about the smug superiority on his face got to her. She might not be able to stop the train from plowing her down, but she was certainly going to derail some of his arrogance. “When do we leave?” she asked as she put her glasses back on with a butter-couldn’t-melt-in-her-mouth sweetness that almost made her gag. Only the look of shocked disbelief on her nemesis’ face kept her calm. Oooh , how she wanted to stick her tongue out at him!
    With a cool expression, she turned away from both men, gathering a stack of magazines and papers to hide her trembling hands. “I’ll leave you two to work out the details,” she said and then fixed her boss with a perfectly blank expression. “You’ll want to brief me on the system?” Acknowledging Alex’s brief nod she simply melted into the shadows and made for her office.
    It was there that Draegyn found her half an hour later. Time enough for her to have gotten her shaky senses locked down tight. She knew one or both of them would eventually seek her out, and no way was she going to show any weakness.
    The minute the glass door swayed shut behind him, Tori felt the temperature in the confined space go up a dozen degrees. The skin on the back of her neck prickled as his icy blue gaze pinned her down. Was he mad? She couldn’t tell. Reading him wasn’t all that easy. While tension bracketed his mouth, he didn’t seem to be directing any of it at her. And then he smiled. Sort of. Actually, it was more like a crooked grin that got her senses churning quicker than a bark of anger. Oh dear. Anger was one thing. That she could handle. But he seemed amused, and she sincerely hoped she wouldn’t end up being the butt of the joke.
    “Alex will be along in a moment. He seems to think I’ve been a bully toward you.” Her eyes widened and mouth opened in shock. “I’m to make nice and promise to mind my manners so that’s what I’m doing.” Tori barely had time to recover from the bully word being thrown in her face when Draegyn offered up a completely disingenuous formal bow. “Miss Bennett, please accept my apology for any brutish behavior that may have offended you.”
    He was mocking her to her face she fumed as she opened and closed her mouth a dozen times as one pithy comeback after another threatened to roll off her tongue. “I didn’t tell him, of course, being the gentleman that I am, about your predilection for shrewish

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