Five Little Pigs

Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie Page A

Book: Five Little Pigs by Agatha Christie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Agatha Christie
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what the artist himself had called his best picture, and Poirot realized at once what a superb artist the man had been.
    The painting had an odd, superficial smoothness. At first sight it might have been a poster, so seemingly crude were its contrasts. A girl, a girl in a canary-yellow shirt and dark-blue slacks, sitting on a gray wall in full sunlight against a background of violent blue sea. Just the kind of subject for a poster.
    But the first appearance was deceptive; there was a subtle distortion - an amazing brilliance and clarity in the light. And the girl -
    Yes, here was life. All there was, all there could be, of life, of youth, of sheer, blazing vitality. The face was alive and the eyes -
    So much life! Such passionate youth! That, then, was what Amyas Crale had seen in Elsa Greer, which had made him blind and deaf to the gentle creature, his wife. Elsa was life. Elsa was youth.
    A superb, slim, straight creature, arrogant, her head turned, her eyes insolent with triumph. Looking at you, watching you - waiting...
    Hercule Poirot spread out his hands. He said, “It is a great - Yes, it is great.”
    Meredith Blake said, a catch in his voice, “She was so young -”
    Poirot nodded. He thought to himself, “What do most people mean when they say that? So young. Something innocent, something appealing, something helpless. But youth is not that! Youth is crude, youth is strong, youth is powerful - yes, and cruel! And one thing more - youth is vulnerable.”
    Poirot followed his host to the door. His interest was quickened now in Elsa Greer, whom he was to visit next. What would the years have done to that passionate, triumphant, crude child?
    He looked back at the picture.
    Those eyes. Watching him - watching him - telling him something...
    Supposing he couldn't understand what they were telling him? Would the real woman be able to tell him? Or were those eyes saying something that the real woman did not know?
    Such arrogance, such triumphant anticipation -
    And then death had stepped in and taken the prey out of those eager, clutching young hands.
    And the light had gone out of those passionately anticipating eyes. What were the eyes of Elsa Greer like now?
    He went out of the room with one last look.
    He thought, “She was too much alive.”
    He felt - a little - frightened...
    The house in Brook Street had Darwin tulips in the window boxes. Inside the hall a great vase of white lilacs sent eddies of perfume toward the open front door.
    A middle-aged butler relieved Poirot of his hat and stick. A footman appeared to take them, and the butler murmured deferentially, “Will you come this way, sir?”
    Poirot followed him along the hall and down three steps. A door was opened, the butler pronounced his name with every syllable correct.
    Then the door closed behind him and a tall, thin man got up from a chair by the fire and came toward him.
    Lord Dittisham was a man just under forty. He was not only a peer of the realm; he was a poet. Two of his fantastical poetic dramas had been staged at vast expense and had had a succès d'estime. His forehead was rather prominent, his chin was eager, and his eyes and his mouth unexpectedly beautiful.
    He said, “Sit down, M. Poirot.”
    Poirot sat down and accepted a cigarette from his host. Lord Dittisham shut the box, struck a match, and held it for Poirot to light his cigarette, then he himself sat down and looked thoughtfully at his visitor.
    “It is my wife you have come to see, I know,” he said.
    Poirot answered, “Lady Dittisham was so kind as to give me an appointment.”
    There was a pause.
    “You do not, I hope, object, Lord Dittisham?” Poirot hazarded.
    The thin, dreamy face was transformed by a sudden, quick smile. “The objections of husbands, M. Poirot, are never taken seriously in these days.”
    “Then you do object?”
    “No. I cannot say that. But I am, I must confess it, a little fearful of the effect upon my wife. Let me be quite frank.

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