First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance

First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance by Michelle Fox Page A

Book: First Moon (New Moon Wolves) BBW Werewolf Romance by Michelle Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Fox
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Wolf-made wolves.”
    “What’s he going to do about it? Come up here and kill us?” When Tao froze, going completely still, her jaw dropped. “You can’t be serious.” She’d been basing her impressions of werewolves on Tao, discounting Nick as an aberration. But the truth seemed to be that werewolves were a bloodthirsty, murderous lot, making Tao the outlier. Well, shit on a shoe. What was she going to do now?
    “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’d like to protect you. I want to be able to tell my alpha you’re not under Nick’s influence. It might help change his mind.”
    “Hence the pity fuck,” she said, her voice harsh as her words.
    Tao stiffened. “No. Not a pity fuck, a trying-to-keep-you-alive fuck.” His tone matched hers, he was angry now.
    Well, join the club, wolf-man, she thought. “What about the other people who were bitten? You going to do them, too?”
    His eyes narrowed. “Nick’s not mating them, it’s you he wants. They’re just his new pack mates. They don’t have to worry about my brother like you do.” He ran a hand through his hair, brow furrowed with concern. “Look, I know it’s not ideal. I know it’s probably the last thing you want. I mean, I didn’t come out here thinking I would fall into bed with you, but here we are. I have a plan and claiming you away from Nick is just step one.”
    She gave a derisive snort. “And now we’ve come full circle, right back to duty fuck. I’m not that kind of fat girl, Tao. I don’t spread my legs just because a guy looks at me twice.”
    She didn’t hear what he said next because she fled to her bedroom and slammed the door shut. She leaned against the wooden door and tried to calm down. The mental pictures of a naked Tao and her in a heated embrace didn’t help. He was an attractive alpha male, there was no denying that, but she wouldn’t have him in her bed unless he wanted her the way she wanted him. It wouldn’t be right otherwise.
    But, a little voice in her head chided, it might save your life, give you a chance at returning to some semblance of a normal existence. His alpha wanting to kill her, shook her. Everything was spinning out of control around her, violence on top of violence. She should sleep with him, the logical side of her brain reasoned.
    And damned if she didn’t want him. Bad. It wasn’t right. Maybe it was just a case of ‘about to become a werewolf’ hormones. She wasn’t ready to ‘fuck marry’ anyone…let alone a werewolf, no matter how hot.
    Life was so unfair.
    Don’t be so stupid, said the voice in her head. Save yourself, worry about the rest later.
    Audrey frowned. She liked the idea of living in the moment as the next person on a self-improvement kick, but this moment came with a future that frightened her. The past leading to the moment wasn’t much better.
    A light knock came on the door. “Audrey?”
    “What?” Her voice came out in a harsh growl.
    “You’re not a duty fuck and you’re not big, you’re curvy.”
    “Don’t play semantics with me, Tao.” Something rumbled in her chest and she started. This time she didn’t sound like she was growling, she was actually growling. For real. Like a dog or...a wolf. “Oh my God,” she whispered to herself.
    “It’s not semantics. You’re beautiful, Audrey.”
    She snorted and another growl shook her body. It felt like thunder shaking her down and it also tickled a little bit.
    “I mean it. I wanted you the second I saw you.”
    Audrey stiffened. “Don’t bullshit me.” Men like Tao never wanted her. Audrey wasn’t the girl who got the guy. First, he’d asked her to believe in werewolves, and now she was supposed to believe he thought she was sexy? Second, she’d said she liked him and he’d said…nothing. Audrey had her limits and Tao had just reached them.
    “I’m not. Wolf’s honor.” He jiggled the doorknob. “Come on, let me in.”
    She smacked the door with her good hand, the contact with

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