First Down (First and Ten #1)

First Down (First and Ten #1) by Lea Hart Page A

Book: First Down (First and Ten #1) by Lea Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lea Hart
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crazy, but it seems to work. I’ll probably eventually build on and make it bigger, but the size works for me now.”
    “I have to tell you that I’m relieved. I hate those big modern mansions that line the waterfront in Miami. I think it’s a good sign that you don’t have one of those.”
    “Would it stop you from wanting to get at me?”
    “No. But I think I’ll enjoy it more if it doesn’t happen in a tacky modern house with leather furniture and glass tables.”
    “Sweetie, I don’t think you’re going to be thinking about my decorating when we buried in one another. At least, I hope you’re not. I don’t want you to be capable of a complete thought when I’ve got your clothes off.”
    Chancing a peek, she smiled. “I have to admit that when you kiss me, my mind becomes blissfully quiet. That is a rare thing for me and something that I look forward to experiencing more, because my brain exhausts me sometimes.”
    “Turn in up here, and pull around to the side of the house.” He took her hand and squeezed it. “I hope to make you blissfully satisfied for the rest of the day.”
    Ana admired the expanse of land that surrounded Jack’s home. It really was as he described, a jumble of several styles that was completely perfect. “What a great house, Jack. I love all the space you have.”
    “Me, too. I don’t want to feel like my neighbors are on top of me. You can scream my name as loud as you want today, and no one is going to hear.”
    Ana parked next to the house and smiled before getting out. “That’s good to know.”
    Jack unfolded himself from the car and stretched. The car had lived up to its name and was too damn mini. He was going to have to drive them until they got engaged. Then he’d buy her a nice big car after she accepted his proposal. He grabbed the remnants of his costume and Ana’s overnight bag from the back and waited for her to come toward the door.
    “I don’t need my bag. That was for last night when I spent the night at Ronnie’s.”
    “You might need some stuff in here, because you’re spending the night tonight.”
    “I wasn’t planning on staying. Don’t worry, Jack. I have no interest in camping out.”
    “Well, I do. I want you to spend as much time with you as I can.”
    Shrugging, she walked to him and waited. “We’ll see.” She felt nerves run along her back as they stood together staring at one another. “I’m nervous now. I wasn’t earlier this morning when I was lying next to you half-naked. But standing in front of your house in the middle of the day is making my nerves jump.”
    He took her hand and led her toward the front door. “I think it’s a good sign that you have some nerves, because I do, too. Maybe it’s just excitement and nothing more.” He unlocked the front door, and they were greeted with cool air as they walked in. He watched Ana look around with a smile on her face. “Do you like it? My mom picked out most of the furniture and rugs.”
    “I think it’s lovely. Are you going to give me the tour?”
    “Absolutely. Let’s start in the bedroom.”
    Taking her hand, he led her down the hall and opened the last door that they came to. Walking in, he noticed that her grip tightened slightly as they crossed the threshold. He dropped her bag next to the bench at the foot of the bed. The sound of it hitting the tile floor surprised both of them, and they let out a laugh at the same time. “I guess our nerves are strung a little tighter than we thought.”
    He sat on the bench and studied her as he held her waist with his hands. Rubbing his finger against the fabric of her dress, he smiled to himself. “I can’t believe that you’re finally here. I’ve been thinking about the possibility of this moment since I met you in San Diego.” He watched her eyes grow large as she gazed at him. “Come here.” Reaching forward, he gripped her hips and pulled her against his frame. As their bodies touched, he let out a contented sigh.

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