Finding You: The Switched Series book one

Finding You: The Switched Series book one by Brittany Bromley Page A

Book: Finding You: The Switched Series book one by Brittany Bromley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brittany Bromley
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back until she looks behind me and sees Ash standing in there. After seeing him she turns around and walks back outside. I make my way out the front door and to Ash’s truck. A few minutes later he comes outside carrying two plates and climbs into the driver seat.
    He hands the plates to me before starting the truck. “Cindy didn’t want us to starve,” he says, backing out of the driveway. It smells really good, but I don’t think I will ever have an appetite again.
    “Was she mad?”
    “Of course not, she is just worried about you. I promised to take care of you for the night. I’m sure when Brody figures it out, he will come straight home. What did Molly say to you?” he asks, turning down his road.
    “Not a lot, just that she didn’t want a sister. I don’t want one either, but I didn’t tell her that. It’s not just Molly. I just really hate this holiday. I have for a really long time now.”
    “I know you won’t believe this, but I hate this holiday too. Bo and Cindy go all out for all holidays around here and I always spend them with them. Not the Fourth of July though. I usually just sit at home by myself,” he says, reaching over to grab my hand. “I’m glad we can hate it together this year,” he says, making me smile for the first time tonight.
    We get back to the house and he eats while I play with my food. My phone starts ringing and I look down to see Clay’s name on the screen.
    “I need to get this, I’ll be right back,” I say to Ash before going outside to answer the call. “Hello,” I answer.
    “Hey, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
    “I’m good, just got home a few minutes ago. I think I’m going to call it a night. Thanks for always checking on me,” I say.
    “It’s no problem. Call if you need me. I’ll talk to you later. Bye Callie,” he says, before hanging up. I open the door and go back inside to find Ash cleaning the kitchen.
    “I know I am no fun tonight. I think I’m just going to go to bed,” I say, grabbing my purse so I will have my sleeping pills. So far I haven’t had any nightmares, but I’m pretty sure tonight that will change.
    “Can I show you something first?” he asks, grabbing my hand and taking me back outside to the front porch. We walk over to the swing hanging on the porch and sit down.
    “You wanted to show me your porch,” I say, snuggling into him.
    “It’s a nice porch,” he says, pointing to the sky. “Watch that direction.”
    “Okay, it really is beautiful out here. I am going to miss it when I go back to Florida,” I say, feeling the tears start again. I am a big mess tonight.
    “You don’t have to go back, you can stay here,” he says, holding me tighter.
    “My job is there, I need to pay my bills,” I say, knowing that’s a lie. I do have a job and I need to pay my bills, I just don’t need the job to pay the bills. Thanks to my grandparents, I have a nice trust fund and would probably never have to work another day again. Of course I’m sure if Molly knew about that, she would claim that too.
    “You can find a job here. I really don’t want you to leave,” he says as the sky begins to light up.
    “I don’t think I have watched fireworks since I was a little girl. I was so scared of them then.”
    “I always come out here to watch them on this day. My family always went crazy when it came to fireworks. My mom loved them. I guess this just makes me feel closer to them on this day.”
    The fireworks last about ten minutes and they are beautiful. I am so comfortable that I don’t even try to move off of Ash when I see a truck pulling in the driveway a few minutes later. I guess Brody finally decided to come home.
    “Is it going to look really bad if I don’t move off of you right now? I am really comfortable. If you think he will shoot you, I’ll move. I would protect you, but my gun is in my purse.”
    “I’m good with you not moving. I like having you close to me. I’m pretty sure he already

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