Finding Opa!
as he slipped his arms around her.
    “I love it. It’s you,” she said, wanting to crawl into his bed.
    “Maybe it could be us ,” he said, unbuckling the belt on her jeans. He intended to finish what she started back at her place.
    Stacey turned to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her lips lingered at his before she ducked in for another of his sweet kisses. “We have way too much sex,” she said giggling.
    He kissed her again, sucking at her bottom lip. “I am a doctor, and I can assure you that there is no such thing as too much sex for healthy adjusted couples,” he said, pulling her to the bed.
    “Speaking of which, I need to take my birth control. I forgot it earlier.”
    “Do you take it at the same time every day?” he asked, still holding her tight.
    “It’s hard enough just to remember to take it at all,” she said, going to her purse. She pulled out her packet and slipped a pill in her mouth. “Do you have some water?”
    “Sure,” Hunter said, standing up. He ran to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and paused. Walking back into the bedroom, he passed her the water and opened his planner on his desk. “I’ve noticed that your breasts are just a tad bit fuller, and you’ve had the very slightest change in mood. When was the last day of your cycle?”
    Stacey swallowed the pill and pulled out her cell phone to look at her calendar. “It was thirty-five days ago, but if you read my file, and I know that you did , you’ll see that I have irregular cycles. I’m sure it’s coming.”
    Hunter bit his lip. They had not used a condom since they started their relationship. In fact, even the first time that he was with her, he had not pulled out. He knew that it was stupid then, but he still did it. It was because of his own actions that he was suddenly suspicious of her small changes. Plus, her pattern of taking her pills would only create more of a chance. He had done everything to get her pregnant whether it was consciously or subconsciously. Maybe he had now succeeded.
    Walking over to her, he raised her shirt and looked at her breasts again. He wasn’t crazy; they were larger, but that was not what tipped him off. It was more of a gut feeling, an uh oh, look what you did feeling in himself. Sitting back down on the bed, he chuckled a little. She could kill him for what he was about to say, or she could be ecstatic. There was a fifty/fifty chance either way.
    “Stacey,” he said in the sweetest voice he could muster. “Baby…”
    “Yeah?” she said, taking off her shirt completely.
    “Don’t freak out, but I think that we’re pregnant.”

Chapter Nine
    It took him nearly half an hour to get back from the pharmacy in the rain. Soaked, he came running in the condo with a small plastic bag clutched in his hand and a wide grin. The look on his face was sheer excitement. Going into the bathroom with her, he unsheathed the box from its plastic wrapping and perched up on the countertop beside her.
    Stacey, who had not said one word since he had broken the news to her, quickly took it and pulled her pants down. Sitting on the toilet, she looked over at him.
    “This really would be more accurate first thing in the morning,” he explained.
    “I can’t wait that long, and I can’t do this with you watching,” she snapped.
    Hunter gaffed. “I’m a…”
    “Doctor! I know, you’ve said that like a hundred friggin times,” she said as the urine began to trickle down. She stuck the stick in the urine stream.
    Hunter stood up and walked over to her. “Don’t be scared.”
    “ Don’t be scared ?” she asked mortified. “I could be ppppregnant .” The words seemed too surreal for her to digest. “Just this afternoon, I found out that we were living together, and tonight, I find out that I could possibly be pregnant, and you tell me not to be scared?”
    Hunter took the

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