Finding Kylie

Finding Kylie by Kimberly McKay Page A

Book: Finding Kylie by Kimberly McKay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly McKay
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“Eddy, the frame-shop Eddy?” 
                  “Yes.” Chastity smirked back in her direction. 
                  “Well dummy, that was his way of trying to ask you out.”  She thought her friend was totally clueless. 
                  Chastity’s look said she thought otherwise.  “It was not!  He was just making conversation.”  She scanned the room for a place to sit, while talking over her shoulder hoping Anne could hear her over the loud music.  “Besides, I would have known if he asked me out. Plus …” Chastity stammered. “We’re ... just friends. I am not into him that way.” 
                  Anne had a laugh at Chastity’s expense. “A - you wouldn’t know if he was hitting on you if he beat you over the head with a stick, B - he’s totally into you, and C - if you’d lighten up once in a while you might notice that kind of thing more often.”  
                  “Whatever.” Chastity saw a group of people deserting a table, and pulled Anne behind her. “Besides he’s not my type. He’s too …” She looked over her shoulder to Anne, not able to find the right words.  “Something. I can’t put my finger on it.” 
                  Anne shook her head, wondering what her friend’s type was.  She never seemed to get close enough to any one long enough to find out.  
                  He’s probably too nice . She clucked her tongue, not saying a word.
                  As they sat down near the bar, Anne watched her friend expertly order their cosmopolitans.  She hoped after a couple drinks Chastity would feel better.
                  As the waitress walked away, Chastity took in the interior.  The artist in her loved it.  The red walls were textured in a manner that made it look like they were melting. 
                  It looks like lava pouring down .  And this is when I’m sober!  
                  Anne watched her friend’s wandering eye, knowing that the creative juices were flowing.  She let her sit in silence for the next few minutes, until their drinks arrived.
                  “Toast … to good times ahead.”
                  Chastity lifted her glass to meet Anne’s.  “To good times,” she repeated, before taking a large gulp.
                  “Hey remember our freshmen year in the dorm, when we pulled all those pranks?”  Anne laughed hoping to lighten the mood.
                  “Are you kidding? We could have had our own reality show.” 
                  “Yeah, like the time we sabotaged the dorm bathroom with that sticky spiced tea that your mom used to send us?  I don’t think I’ll ever forget unscrewing that shower head, pouring that sticky stuff inside, and screwing it back on for the next unsuspecting person.” 
                  Chastity almost snorted in laughter. “You know, I don’t think the girl that stepped in next knew what to do when that mess poured out all over her.” 
                  They both were laughing so hard that Anne could hardly continue.
                  “I remember. I still laugh at the thought of us hauling our butts down the hall and out the door to the stairway.  We knew if she caught us, we’d be dead meat.”  Anne’s voice rose an octave, as she smiled, saying,  “Girl! We had some fun times.”
                  Chastity agreed, making her own joke. “We did, but it was honest clean fun.”   
                  “Tell that to the girl in the bathroom.  She had to switch stalls to get a real shower.  That stuff probably took days to get out of her hair.” 
                  Anne did it again.  She knew exactly what to say to get Chastity to laugh.
                  Just when they were about to order another drink, two white

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