Feral Seduction (Feral Protectors 2)
the way I acted last night.”
    His gray eyes stared up at her. She knew he couldn’t speak, which was probably a good thing. He wouldn’t be forced to totally humiliate her.
    He rubbed his head against her thigh and sighed. Apparently, it had been a long night for him too.
    “I’m sorry about last night,” she whispered.
    He stepped back and shifted to his human form. He ran a hand through his hair but didn’t look at her as he spoke. “It wasn’t anything you had control over. I’ve seen it before; I understand.”
    She couldn’t think of anything to say, so she let the silence stretch between them. Finally, she said, “Now what?”
    He picked up a gourd and handed it to her. “Drink some water. Since I changed you, I’m responsible for making sure you can survive on your own.”
    “My own? You’re going to leave me alone?” Trepidation blasted away any remnants of sleep.
    “No, I’d never do that. After I teach you the skills you need to survive as a wolf, I’ll take you to my friend Ryker’s den. His wife is human. You’ll be happy living there.”
    “But I live in Joshua Village. I can’t live in the woods.”
    His eyes flashed a warning. “You’re different now. You can’t ever return home. And why would you want to? You have a crazy man hunting you. He thinks you’re dead now, so he won’t come looking for you. If you go home, he’ll find you and no one will be around to protect you.”
    She shivered. “What about my family and friends? Will I ever be able to see them again?”
    He shook his head. “Not if you want to stay alive.”
    She took a sip from the gourd and set it down beside her. She hadn’t considered the full implications of becoming a werewolf. She’d have to leave everything and everyone she knew behind. Granted, she didn’t have a lot of friends, but she considered the girls at the diner amongst her friends. They’d be worried about her if she went missing.
    Stryde took her hand in his. “I know it’s a lot to process, but you’ll be happy with Ryker and Diana. They’re good people and they run a friendly, safe den.”
    “What about you? Will you be living with them too?”
    “No. I have my own den. I’ve been away for a long time and they need me to return.”
    Her heart dropped. “Can’t I go with you to your den?”
    He shook his head. “That’s not a good idea.”
    “Why not?”
    “It’s just not. I have enough to deal with at home without having to bring a new wolf into the pack.”
    She considered his excuse. If he really wanted her, he’d figure out a way to make it work. A twinge of pain sliced through her. “Will I ever see you again?”
    He stared at her with what looked like sadness. But maybe she was mistaken. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d misread him. Last night, she could have sworn he wanted her too. His body had certainly responded, but maybe it was an expected reaction to her heat.
    She sighed. At least he wasn’t planning on sending her off on her own. “So, what do I need to learn?”
    He rubbed his thumb across the palm of her hand. “We’ll start with something fun—running. You’re going to have so much fun racing through the forest. It gives you a sense of freedom unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.”
    She forced a smile. “I’ve never been much of a runner.”
    He gently tugged her to her feet. “Maybe not as a human, but as a wolf, I have a feeling you’ll love every second of it.”
    She gazed into his sparkling gray eyes. He wasn’t even gone and she already missed him.
    Stryde said, “You did a good job shifting from wolf to human. But the shift from human to wolf is harder for new werewolves.”
    “You’re not in touch with the rabid, animalistic side of you yet.”
    “You could have fooled me last night,” she blurted.
    The corner of his mouth turned up. She wanted to sear the memory of his lopsided grin into her mind so she’d have something to remember him

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