Fate's Intentions

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Book: Fate's Intentions by Dawn Nicole Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Nicole Stevens
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almost dangerous.
    "Everything is fine." She saw Ben's posture relax with her words. "It was the officer that took my statement yesterday. He was calling to tell me Cody saw the judge today. He has been released until his trial because he has a clean record. He's going to call me when he knows more."
    "Are you okay?" He asked her gently as he sat down next to her.
    "Yea. I expected him to be roaming around until trial. I'm just not looking forward to testifying."
    "I can understand that would be hard to do." Ben's tone was soft.
    "Well, it's got to be done. I am lucky you were there but the next girl may not be so lucky!" She looked down into her lap as she spoke.
    "If it wouldn't draw too much attention I would testify with you as a witness."
    "I'm not going to ask you to do that. You should stay away from this whole mess. You can't have people paying too much attention to you."
    "I know." He slid over closer to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "But if you asked me to do it, I would."
    Scarlett looked up into his face. "I don't understand why you seem to care about me so much. You saved me, not once, but twice, you brought me and Ashlynn here to this marvelous home. You and Adam have went out of your way so much already, I couldn't ask anything else of you!"
    Ben looked into her eyes. "I could never forgive myself if I hadn't brought you here and something happened to you or your friend."
    "Well I'm extremely grateful for all that you two have done!"
    Ben slid even closer and put his arm around her. "I just stumbled into this situation but I couldn't have walked away."
    Scarlett leaned her head against his chest and didn't even realize when she began to drift off to sleep.
    Chapter 12
    Ashlynn and Adam came through the door and found Scarlett sleeping on Ben. Ashlynn turned and grinned at Adam. "I guess you weren't the only wolf-boy making advances!"
    Ben shot her a dirty look. "It's not like that!"
    Ashlynn and Adam walked over and sat on the couch across from them. "Then how is it?" Ashlynn asked still grinning, unaffected by his warning.
    Scarlett wiggled a little. She opened her eyes just enough to see Ashlynn and Adam glaring at her. She sat up abruptly looking at them and then turning to see Ben beside her. "I am so sorry for falling asleep on you again!" She wiped her mouth. "OH GOD, I think I drooled on you a little!" Everyone laughed at her.
    Ben rubbed his hand across her back. "It's okay." He was still laughing a little. "I am just happy to see you resting well."
    Scarlett smiled at him, her face red from embarrassment. "Why didn't you push me the other way?"
    "I didn't want to wake you!" Ben smiled.
    Ashlynn caught their attention. "So how did your afternoon go?" She was smiling so hard Scarlett thought her face must hurt.
    "Please don't tell me about your afternoon, I don't need those visions in my head!" Scarlett joked.
    "Totally PG! Well for the most part!" Ashlynn winked at her.
    "I got a phone call from the police department." Scarlett said looking at Ashlynn.
    "What they say?" Ashlynn was anxious.
    "He told me that Cody saw the judge today, they released him until the court date because he doesn't have any priors."
    "So when is the court date?" Ashlynn asked seeming irritated.
    "It's not set yet. He said he'd contact me when he knows more."
    Ashlynn threw her hands in the air and then slapped them on her thighs. "Just like we figured, he's out free as a bird!"
    "I know. At least we are safe. What about the other girls out there that don't know what he is!"
    They all sat and thought about that for a minute.
    "I got it!" Ashlynn shouted. "Let's print up a little news announcement saying that a local girl was brutalized at the campground and hand them out in town!"
    Scarlett shook her head. "No, I think we should avoid town! That's the last thing we should do. There should be something about it in the police reports in the paper. I don't know if it mentions names, it should but even if it

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