
Fallback by Lori Whitwam Page A

Book: Fallback by Lori Whitwam Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Whitwam
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people, living their lives, helping each other. At least in the world I knew.” It had been a sheltered life, but I imagined that had been the case for an awful lot of people. I wondered if the ratios had changed since the outbreak.
    “That’s what we think too,” Melissa said. “And I’ve been watching him. All those months after we came to the Compound, before I’d talk to anybody, that’s all I did. I watched. I got good at reading what they were like, really like, inside. And I think Ty is okay. I think we should give him a chance.”
    That sealed it for me. I didn’t want to let my unexpected attraction for Ty cloud my judgment, and needed some fresh perspective away from the drama of the group conversation taking place behind me. I turned to see if they were making any progress.
    “That’s it, that’s it, people,” Marcus called above the din of multiple conversations. “I think we’ve looked it over about every way we possibly can, given the information we have to work with.”
    “So, what happens now?” Davey Kline asked as the group quieted.
    “Now,” Marcus said, his sweeping gaze making contact with each person, “now we vote.”

    We were given several options. We could take Ty with us, making him a provisional member of the group, and make a final decision before arriving at our destination. We could leave him at the farm with some basic supplies and a pat on the back. The third option we were given was to leave him at the farm for now, and the escorts would pick him up on their way back and take him to the Compound, still unaware of our new location.
    That last option drew some more debate. Could we send an unknown, a potential spy, into the Compound with the threat looming over us? The argument was plenty of people knew its location; the marauders surely did. He was perfectly capable of finding it on his own, and if the marauders wanted a spy inside, there were any number of easier ways to accomplish that objective. Hell, there were probably spies inside already.
    I was worried about how people would react to the outcome of the vote. Would members of our team be angry or resent other members who voted differently than they did? Should we go inside and find paper and do a secret ballot? It turned out Marcus had a simpler idea.
    “Let’s not make this more complicated than it has to be, people. We ain’t got time for it,” he said. “Get in a circle.”
    Everybody looked at him like he’d lost his mind. Melissa even giggled.
    “I’m serious! Now move!”
    I felt like I was in kindergarten, getting ready to play a game or something. But when Marcus said he was serious, he meant it, so we all hurried to comply.
    “Okay, now put your arms out to your side, and spread out so you’re not too close to anybody.”
    All right…
    “Turn around, facing out from the center.”
    I got it now. I could barely see the people on either side of me in my peripheral vision, and would have no idea what the others in the circle were doing.
    Marcus recited the three choices to us again, to be sure we were clear on which number went with each option, and then he counted them off. “One!” I raised my hand. “Two!” I lowered my hand. “Three!” I kept my head down and waited, my heart in my throat, which didn’t make sense. I barely knew Ty, and it’s not like we were voting on whether or not to form a firing squad at dawn.
    At Marcus’ command, we broke from our circle and gathered around for the result.
    “Before I tell you the outcome,” he began, his expression deep in no-nonsense territory, “let me be very clear on one thing. This vote is final, and will not be discussed further. I don’t care if you think you know how somebody else voted, and you disagree. You will abide by this vote, and you will not give anybody any shit about it. I will not have dissent among this team, and if there is, we’re gonna have a different kind of vote.

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