Fair Game
for her, shooting his load on her pussy or her breasts, watching her get down and nasty with a toy. They eventually moved on to other companies as a hedge against getting laid off at the same time, but she’d still sneak in after hours for a fuck. He loved that. He loved her.
    Then she wanted a baby, and things changed. He’d wanted a child just as much as she had, but when she didn’t get pregnant right away, the focus of their love life rapidly went from just-for-fun to having a purpose. Lovemaking became urgent. She’d call him up, say her temperature was right, they’d meet at home and fuck. No foreplay, no fun. The joy went out of it.
    She started hanging out with some girls from work, and their talk was all about marriage and babies. They began ragging on her about the naughty sex the two of them had. That was when he’d gotten pissed, referring to her friends as the MAGS, Mothers Against Good Sex. The MAGS claimed that’s why Marianne didn’t get pregnant, because he wasted his semen in her mouth or on her breasts. So she decided that he could only orgasm inside her. He could accept that, but he hated the intimate details she shared with her friends and the way those bitches turned a beautiful, fun, adventurous love life into something unhealthy.
    Things went nuts when Marianne learned she was the one who had internal issues that were making it difficult for her to get pregnant. It wasn’t him at all. She, however, didn’t want to admit to the problem, claiming the doctor was full of shit. If she’d been obsessed before, she moved into maniacal after. She decreed that he could ejaculate only when it was her fertile time of the month. That way his body would build up lots of sperm, and they’d have a better chance. He was allowed orgasms three days out of the month, and then he had to perform like a stud horse. Secretly, he hated her fertile period. Sometimes he’d watch porn on the Internet and jack off because he was going insane. She’d caught him, and they’d had a helluva fight. That was the end of it. He couldn’t take anymore. They’d had five great years and two really shitty ones. She’d gotten remarried three years ago and adopted a couple of kids from China.
    He’d learned that sex was fucking important. He wanted a woman where anything goes, risky places, a dirty mind, sex for sex’s sake.
    Josie Tybrook was exactly what he was looking for.
    A week? She must have her head somewhere the sun don’t shine. How was she supposed to get through a week without a taste of him?
    By Saturday, she regretted not playing on Friday. By Sunday, she was a little wild, wanting to call him and beg. Kyle made her think about sex, sex, sex, even when he wasn’t around.
    The worst was that a booty call to one of her buddies wouldn’t cut it. It felt like cheating, though she and Kyle hadn’t talked exclusive. She had to admit she didn’t like the idea of him taking out Little Miss Snowflake despite how often she mentioned it to him. No reason . . . just . . . she didn’t like it.
    Monday was a bitch at work. She couldn’t ever remember thinking that regarding her job. But she was a woman ruling a bunch of men now, men who had once been coworkers. Being manager was totally different from being one of the guys. She could feel how they shut her out. When she entered a room, they stopped talking. They didn’t come to her with their issues like they used to. They’d done that even when Ernie was the boss, wanting to bounce things off her, to make sure they didn’t sound like idiots before they went in to Ernie.
    And Ronson? Jesus. The staff meeting had been a disaster. He’d been openly hostile and antagonistic, calling her ideas stupid, though he had stopped short of calling her stupid.
    Her career as a manager would go down in flames if she didn’t figure out how to handle them all, and blaming everything on Ronson wasn’t going to fix it. He had a job site he was heading off to next

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