Faded (Rock Star Trilogy)

Faded (Rock Star Trilogy) by Mercy Amare Page B

Book: Faded (Rock Star Trilogy) by Mercy Amare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mercy Amare
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It’s the ultimate compliment. “Well, boys have to take a backseat to your career. You’d have to spend a lot of time practicing. It takes a lot of dedication.”
    She shrugs. “My mom is 26, and she doesn’t have a boyfriend. I can wait a few years. Being a rock star is way cooler than having a boyfriend anyway!”
    Stacy mouths “thank you” to me, and I laugh.
    “Good idea, Anna .” I nod approvingly. “I think you’d make a great rock star.”
    The rest of the night is awesome. Anna shows me her room, which is very yellow. She also has three different posters of me on the wall. I sign them for her. She sa ys she doesn’t need my autograph, since I am her aunt, but that she still wants it so she could make all her friends jealous.
    Stacy cook s dinner. I guess being a mom makes you a better cook, because I remember she used to be a terrible cook. But she makes spaghetti, and it is amazing. I’m guessing she made it because my favorite food as a kid was spaghetti. We once had it every day for a whole month.
    After dinner, we play a few board games, and when it is Anna’s bedtime I go home. I promise Anna I will be back as soon as I can. I tell her I will try to come trick or treating with her on Halloween.
    Once I g et home, I go straight to bed. Tomorrow, Barry is coming to Hope, and I know that it is going to be a long day.

    Wednesday, October 29
    5:52 AM
    Be the sl utty dressed version of you.
    I woke up at 4:30 this morning and was unable to go back to sleep. I was much too anxious for my meeting. So I got up, took a shower, and then began curling my hair with my curling iron. I took my time, curling small sections at a time. I wanted to look perfec t… Really, I just wanted the day to be perfect .
    After I finish my hair, I g et dressed. I put on my favorite little black dress. The designer custom-made it for me for an award ceremony, but they put me in a different dress at the last minute. I hated the dress my dad made me wear.
    After getting ready, I head downstairs. It isn’t even six yet, but Alec and Bridgett are both awake. They are drinking coffee. I walk to the fridge and grab a Red Bull.
    “Wow. You look hot,” Alec says. “Great choice. Barry is such a perv. He’ll love it.”
    The dress is really short, and Alec is right. Barry will love it.
    “Now, Bridge, we need to pick you out something equally as sexy.”
    Bridgett spews coffee out of her mouth and coughs. “No freaking way. I could never pull off something like that. Scarlett is the hot twin.”
    Alec rolls his eyes at her. “What part of identical twins do you not get? You’re both hot. Wear something short and tight. Oh, and flirt with Barry. He’s totally gross, but we want this to go well for Scarlett.”
    “If he tries to touch you, just jokingly push him away,” I tell her. “And don’t be alarmed if he propositions you. That’s just Barry. He thinks any girl will sleep with him if he offers them enough money.”
    Bridgett moans. “Today is going to suck, isn’t it?”
    Alec and I both say “Yes” at the same time.
    “Just be yoursel f… Only the slutty dressed version of you,” Alec tells her.
    “Be slutty .” She gulps. “Got it.”
    Alec busts out laughing. “The word slut should never leave your lips. You’re so innocent. It’s just wrong.”
    “I should have never told you I was a virgin,” she complains. “I’m going to find a random guy to sleep with so you will stop making fun of me.”
    “No,” Alec and I both respond.
    “Losing your virginity should be special. It needs to mean something.”
    Whoa. Did those words seriously just come out of Alec Torch’s mouth?
    “That’s not what you told me. Remember? I was sixteen. You told me just do it, and get it over with . So I did. And it sucked.” I shake my head. “Worst advice ever.”
    “I was eighteen and horny. I figured you’d want to lose it to me.” Alec shrugs. “I’m glad you didn’t though. I could never be a

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